Country Local Government Fund — Youth Development Program 2016-17

Aug 21, 2019, 11:50 AM

Recently, I have had the privilege of awarding funding through the Country Local Government Fund – Youth Development Program to 25 local government scholarship recipients and 12 local governments to implement traineeship programs.

I wish to congratulate the successful recipients on their dedication to providing young people with employment, skills and career development opportunities.

The Youth Development Program, administered by my Department of Local Government and Communities, is supported by the Royalties for Regions’ Country Local Government Fund.

Scholarship Program
Scholarships of up to $10,000 are available for country local government employees aged 30 years or less to participate in job-relevant training or study.

Scholarship Program applications opened 16 January 2017. This round closes at 4:00pm Thursday, 6 April 2017.

Traineeship Program
Funding of up to $20,000 per traineeship is available to support the creation of traineeship-based employment for young people aged 24 years or under.

Training Program applications opened 16 January 2017. This round closes at 4.00pm Thursday, 20 April 2017.

I encourage local governments in regional Western Australia to visit my department’s website or email for more information.

Successful Scholarship Recipients include:

​Local government​Scholarship amount
​Shire of Coolgardie​$3,000
​Shire of Esperance  ​$7,665
​Shire of Esperance​$7,997
​Shire of Esperance​$1,880
​City of Greater Geraldton ​$4,484
​City of Greater Geraldton ​$9,000
​City of Greater Geraldton ​$9,000
​City of Greater Geraldton ​$3,905
​Shire of Irwin​$10,000
​Shire of Irwin  ​$2,916
​Shire of Murray​$931
​City of Busselton​$10,000
​Shire of Capel ​$6,800
​Shire of Collie ​$2,874
​Shire of Dardanup​$5,166
​Shire of Donnybrook-Balingup ​$3,380
​Shire of Beverley ​$3,090
​Shire of Brookton ​$1,289
​Shire of Brookton​$3,236
​Shire of Gingin    ​$2,560
​Shire of Gnowangerup​$2,288
​Shire of Quairading​$2,525
​Shire of West Arthur ​$9,855
​Shire of Wickepin $3,242
​Shire of Yilgarn ​$2,973

Successful Traineeship Recipients include:

​Local government​Traineeship amount
​City of Albany​$20,000
​Shire of Broome​$20,000
​Town of Port Hedland​$20,000
​Shire of Perenjori  ​$16,846
​Shire of Donnybrook-Balingup​$15,000
​Shire of Bridgetown-Greenbushes​$20,000
​City of Busselton​$19,610
​Shire of Gingin​$16,500
​Shire of Northam​$20,000
​Shire of Wagin  ​$17,000
​Shire of Wandering​$16,850
​Shire of West Arthur​$16,500
Hon Paul Miles MLA
Minister for Local Government; Community Services;
Seniors and Volunteering; Youth