Funding delivers out-of-school programs for at-risk Kimberley youth

Aug 2, 2022, 09:41 AM

The State Government has announced $734,500 in funding for four programs in the Kimberley region that will deliver structured holiday and out-of-school programs to at-risk youth over the next 3 years.

The Community Place Based Grants (CPBG) program, administered by the Department of Local Government, Sport and Cultural Industries, provides funding for the development and delivery of the co-designed programs in the Kimberley, Goldfields, Pilbara, and Gascoyne regions.

CPBG program recipients in the Kimberley include:

Shire of Broome

The Shire of Broome has engaged widely with community, sport and youth service providers to develop the late-night sports and youth diversionary program, A Sporting Chance. This program will work with a range of service providers and local sport entities to bring positive role models, youth services, education and employment pathways together with sport. There will be a focus on sport competition, skills development as well as life skills, health and wellbeing education.

Shire of Halls Creek

The Shire of Halls Creek has developed the Holiday Action Program designed to meet a gap in service provision for young Aboriginal people in Halls Creek that are ‘at risk’ of harm or offending during the holiday periods. This program will work with a range of service providers to bring positive cultural role models, youth services, education and employment pathways together with sport.


Garnduwa promotes healthier lifestyles through participation in meaningful sport and recreation activities. The organisation has developed the School Holiday Youth Engagement program which focuses on engaging young people outside of school hours and during holiday periods using sport and recreation, as well as aligning strongly with local strategies and plans aimed at broader strategic objectives for young people.

Shire of Derby-West Kimberley

The Shire of Derby-West Kimberley has developed a program which will provide youth activities during the school holidays and outside school hours. It will also look at ways to build the capacity of community-based sporting clubs.