How we met more than 900 Aboriginal people and communities during 2022
A significant piece of work that has been undertaken this year is the engagement outreach with Aboriginal people and communities across Western Australia.
The project team has been very busy working with engagement consultants Dr Richard Walley and Robyn Smith-Walley from Aboriginal Productions and Promotions (APP) on the implementation of the Aboriginal Engagement Strategy. During 2022, APP held 61 meetings with over 380 people from the Noongar Nation of the South West region of Western Australia.
Project team members have also visited regional Aboriginal corporations to provide information sessions on the Aboriginal Cultural Centre and held information stalls at various state-wide forums and events. In total 32 meetings with over 530 participants were held throughout the Mid West, Pilbara, Kimberley and Goldfields regions.
The important feedback we have gathered will continue to help us guide the development of the Aboriginal Cultural Centre. Some of the key feedback includes:
- support for the key functions of the centre, being hosting; gallery/exhibition; performance; education/research; community and commercial opportunities
- strong connection back to Country (regions) — connecting the many campfires
- Aboriginal led truth telling, including stories of the missions, stolen generation and wages, and massacres
- private spaces for elders and community to connect to culture and to meet
- places for reflection and healing
- use of technology to provide opportunities for language, performance, stories and night time activation
- outdoor spaces to have performance, bush foods and a strong connection to the river
- places for events (inside and outside) — NAIDOC ball, community events, meeting rooms and opportunities for the sale of authentic Aboriginal goods (stalls, market days)
- community representation model to include the regions for the next stage of the project.
How we engaged with over 900 Aboriginal people and communities in 2022:
- conducted workshop forums with WA Aboriginal art centres and peak bodies
- held meetings with various WA cultural centres and institutions
- provided information sessions and workshops with Aboriginal community organisations, including Prescribed Bodies Corporate (PBCs) and Native Title Representative Bodies (NTRBs)
- attended various community forums and held information stalls at events in the Kimberley, Mid West, and Pilbara regions as well as Perth and surrounds
- met with Aboriginal corporations who have a proposed cultural centre in the pipeline to discuss future partnerships.
Our engagements with Aboriginal people and community members are invaluable and build awareness and support for the project which is essential for its future success.
We thank everyone who has kindly contributed their time and valuable input into the Aboriginal Cultural Centre project during 2022 — without the generosity of Aboriginal people and communities we wouldn’t be heading into 2023 excited for the journey ahead!
If you would like more information on the ACC or to arrange a briefing, please contact the project team via email at

Photo: Yamatji on Country event in Geraldton.
Photo: Regional engagement at the Aboriginal Art Centre Hub Western Australia Forum held in Geraldton.
Photo: Meeting with Southern Aboriginal Corporation. Image credit Facebook.