Bushfire Planning and Design Practitioners

Jun 21, 2023, 13:32 PM

Under State Planning Policy 3.7 Planning in Bushfire Prone Areas (SPP 3.7), a person seeking to build or develop in a designated bushfire prone area is required to undertake certain bushfire risk management activities as part of the planning and building process.

SPP 3.7 and the Guidelines for Planning in Bushfire Prone Areas strongly recommend the use of accredited bushfire attack level (BAL) assessors and bushfire planning and design (BPAD) practitioners to provide advice that complies with the State Government’s planning and building frameworks.

The Western Australian Bushfire Accreditation Steering Committee oversees the development of training and the accreditation system as well as monitoring the implementation of the Bushfire Accreditation Framework. The committee comprises representatives from the Department of Planning, Lands and Heritage (DPLH), Department of Fire and Emergency Services and the Department of Energy, Mines, Industry Regulation and Safety (Building Commission).  

DPLH has appointed a dedicated accreditation manager to work with government, industry and local governments to ensure a fit for purpose Bushfire Accreditation Framework. For further information on the framework, you can contact Julie Knight via email at julie.knight@dplh.wa.gov.au

In 2016, the Fire Protection Association Australia (FPAA) were approved by the committee as the first accrediting body for BAL assessors and BPAD practitioners in Western Australia. Individuals accredited by FPAA are recorded on a live online register.

Local governments are encouraged to regularly review the online register to check that practitioners are accredited as the registration of some practitioners may have changed. This may occur for a range of reasons, including as a result of disciplinary action.

It is important to ensure that practitioners are currently accredited, as it means that they are adequately insured, maintain continuing professional development requirements and abide by the FPAA Code of Professional Conduct.

If work undertaken by a BPAD practitioner is not up to standard, you may wish to make a complaint to FPAA through the online complaints form