Trans-Tasman museum investment in production of ground-breaking VR films

Jul 17, 2023, 09:42 AM

3 museums spanning Australia and New Zealand have joined forces for a funding partnership to develop a trio of majestic and ground-breaking virtual reality (VR) films for exhibitions at the museums from 2024 onwards.

Tāmaki Paenga Hira Auckland War Memorial Museum, the National Museum of Australia and the Western Australian Museum have partnered with award-winning production company, White Spark Pictures, in what’s believed to be a content world-first. The films are pushing boundaries in virtual reality documentary-making, using innovative technology such as specially modified drones and custom-built cameras.

These museums have contributed $1 million in total between them over 3 years, with the collaborative contract expanding the possibilities for production and enabling ground-breaking new ways for VR content creation.

The VR documentaries will give museum visitors 360° cinema experience in stunning 4K resolution, creating immersive and memorable experiences.

Western Australia-based White Spark Pictures is the creator of the highly acclaimed Beyond the Milky Way, which premieres internationally in London this month (July 2023). White Spark Pictures also produced The Antarctica Experience which has grossed more than $1 million at museum box offices, smashing records.

The three new documentary-style VR films feature 360° surround sound and breathtaking visuals taking viewers to hard-to-reach places, including remote regional Australia, up close with whales and remote islands off New Zealand. The slated films are:

  • The Kimberley VR Experience — a spectacular 360° documentary flying over the edges of waterfalls, magical coastlines, and venturing into the heart of this ancient landscape unlike anywhere else on Earth.
  • Journey of the Giants — from outback to ocean, a deep 360° dive into the incredible world of whales following their migration, rich history and creating the feeling of swimming with humpbacks.
  • The Kermadec Islands — a chance to experience a once-in-a-lifetime adventure in a remote and pristine marine wonderland deep in the South Pacific Ocean.

The first of the VR films, which will enable audiences to explore the unique Kimberley region of Western Australia, will be launched at WA Museum Boola Bardip in Boorloo/Perth in the second half of 2024.