Community feedback sought for Community Poker Policy and Rules of Conduct with Poker Cards

Oct 1, 2024, 11:14 AM

The Department of Local Government, Sport and Cultural Industries (DLGSC) is seeking feedback on the draft revised Community Poker Policy (Policy) and draft revised Rules for the Conduct of Poker with Cards (Rules of Game).

The DLGSC is reviewing the Community Poker Policy and the Rules of Game on behalf of the Gaming and Wagering Commission of Western Australia (Commission). The Commission is responsible for administering the law relating to gaming and wagering in Western Australia (WA).

The Policy and the Rules of Game provide the legal and policy requirements on how poker games must be conducted in community settings and explain the Commission’s expectations regarding the operation of community poker. They also outline how the Commission deals with certain matters that are raised for its consideration.

Feedback may be provided in any form, including tracking changes and comments on the attached documents, or providing feedback via

Your feedback will be considered by DLGSC in finalising the Policy and Rules of Game document and will consider legal requirements and Commission policies relating to the practicalities of operating community poker in WA.

It is intended that, following approval by the Commission, the updated Policy and Rules of Game document will be published on the DLGSC website by the end of the year.

Please provide your feedback by 5:00pm, Monday 21 October 2024.