New funding keeps performing arts program on the road to regions
The long running performing arts program Shows on the Go has been extended for another two and a half years through a funding boost of $1.075m.
Delivered by CircuitWest since July 2021, the funding of $430,000 per annum will continue the delivery of the touring program this year and through to June 2027.
The touring program supports experienced producers who have strong track records of touring, to partner with new and emerging presenters to take performances to outer metropolitan areas and regional Western Australia.
CircuitWest guides new presenters through the process of presenting, including programming for their communities, choosing the appropriate venue for the work, community engagement and engaging with First Nations artists.
Tours planned for 2025 include Taking Liberty from THEATRE 180 and the WA Museum, and The Adventures of Alvin Sputnik: Deep Sea Explorer by The Last Great Hunt.