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Media release

Usually located in Perth, teams from Aboriginal History Western Australia (AHWA), The State Library of Western Australia and the Department of Planning, Lands and Heritage (DPLH) have visited Moora, Brookton, Northam, Quairading, Merredin and York.

The AHWA team members from the Department of Local Government, Sport and Cultural Industries are research experts who help Aboriginal people to get access to restricted State Government records about themselves and their direct ancestors in a culturally secure manner. These records, which span the period from 1886 to 1972, are closed to the public due to the personal and sensitive nature of the information.

Storylines is an Aboriginal online archive managed and hosted by the State Library of Western Australia. It features more than 12,000 photos and materials that can help people find information about their family and provides a safe place to share those materials.

The Sites of Truth Telling program is a DPLH initiative to support Aboriginal communities seeking to protect their places of Aboriginal history and to tell their stories to the broader community. Team members from the Department were keen to meet with Ballardong people to learn more about their country.  

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Page reviewed 27 February 2023