The funds are provided through the Community Place Based Grants program which supports the development and facilitation of co-designed, place-based structured holiday and out of school hours programs in the Kimberley, Goldfields, Pilbara and Gascoyne regions.
The Newman structured school holiday and out of school hours program will provide young people in the area greater opportunities to participate in high-quality sport, recreation and culturally based activities and experiences.
The program aims to address the gaps in servicing provided for local children and young people through the introduction of planned activities and programs in the out of school hours, weekend and school holiday periods.
The program is coordinated by YMCA WA and is co-designed and supported by a range of government and non-government community partners.
Funding will assist partners to deliver activities through the provision of staffing, facility hire, equipment, training and providing healthy food choices to participants across all activities.
The Community Place Based Grants program is administered by the State Government through the Department of Local Government, Sport and Cultural Industries.