
The department's policies.

Approved managers at licensed premises

An approved manager must, unless the Director of Liquor Licensing determines otherwise, be present at the licensed premises.

Automatic Teller Machines (ATMs) at Crown Perth

The purpose of this policy is to describe the requirements placed on Crown Perth by the Gaming and Wagering Commission (the Commission) in relation to the placement of, and withdrawal limits from ATMs at Crown Perth.

Banned Drinkers Register

A Banned Drinkers Register (BDR) is a register of people who are prohibited by current legislation from purchasing packaged (takeaway) liquor from some or all licensed premises in Western Australia.

Burials outside a proclaimed cemetery

Burials in the State of Western Australia are governed by the Cemeteries Act 1986.

Casino gaming on cruise ships policy

Guidance for cruise ships with onboard casino gaming facilities travelling through or docking in Western Australian waters.

Charter boats policy

This policy provides guidance as to the legislative and operational requirements associated with the sale, supply and consumption of liquor on commercial charter boats.

Child Safeguarding Policy

Outlines the responsibilities of DLGSC and Cultural Statutory Authorities in relation to child related work or interactions by employees, contractors, volunteers and third party organisations.

Community poker policy

The purpose of this policy is to provide guidance on the manner in which poker may be lawfully played and conducted in Western Australia.

Complaint Handling Procedure

These procedures detail how the department responds to complaints and complements the department’s Complaint Management Policy.

Complaint Management Policy

This policy enables the department to effectively manage complaints

Complaints Lodged under Section 117 of the Liquor Control Act 1988

This policy provides guidance as to the legislative and operational requirements associated with complaints lodged under section 117 of the Liquor Control Act 1988 (the Act).

Document cover for  the GWC 2024-25 Compliance and Enforcement Priorities

Compliance and enforcement priorities 2024 to 2025

This document outlines the current enforcement powers, priorities and regulatory posture of the Gaming and Wagering Commission of Western Australia (GWC).

Conditions attached to a Standard Lottery Permit

Gaming and Wagering Commission Act 1987 Section 101(1)(a)

Dress standards for licensed premises

Under section 115(4a) of the Liquor Control Act 1988 (the Act) it is the prerogative of all licensees to set dress standards which are suitable for their particular premises.

Electronic gaming machines – return to player (RTP) policy

Adoption of technical standards for electronic gaming machines (EGMs) as set out in the Gaming Machine National Standard.

Electronic gaming machines policy

Guidelines used by the Gaming and Wagering Commission (the Commission) in determining whether a game played by an electronic gaming machine (EGM) that is not a poker machine is authorised for use at the casino.

Entertainment condition

A standard entertainment condition is imposed on most licences.

Exemptions to the Liquor Control Act 1988

Guidance on the specific circumstances whereby the sale, supply and consumption of liquor is exempt from the application of the Act under the Liquor Control Regulations 1989 (the regulations).

Extended Trading Permits — area (ongoing)

Guidance on the legislative requirements relating to extended trading permits (ETP) for extended areas.

Extended Trading Permits — Caterers Ongoing

Guidance on extended trading permits that are sought for providing catering services (with or without food) at venues away from the licensed premises.

Extended Trading Permits — Ongoing and Indefinite

This document provides guidance on extended trading permits that are sought for ongoing (i.e. long term) or indefinite circumstances and the factors that the licensing authority may have regard to when considering applications for these permits.

Extended Trading Permits — Producers — Cellar Door Operations

The cellar door ETP provides producers with the opportunity to promote their products to the wider public within their region.

Extended Trading Permits — restaurants holding finger food/cocktail functions

Section 50 of the Liquor Control Act 1988 (“the Act‟) authorises a restaurant licence to sell and supply liquor for consumption on the licensed premises only ancillary to a meal supplied by the licensee and eaten by the patron on the licensed premises.

Extended Trading Permits — restaurants to sell or supply liquor without a meal

Section 50 of the Liquor Control Act 1988 (the Act) authorises a restaurant licence to sell and supply liquor for consumption on the licensed premises only ancillary to a meal supplied by the licensee and eaten by the patron on the licensed premises.

Extended Trading Permits — sale and supply of liquor to non-members at club and club restricted licensed premises

Section 48(2) of the of the Liquor Control Act 1988 provides that a club licence authorises the sale and supply of liquor to club members and to the guests of members.

Extended Trading Permits — Sunday trading for non-metropolitan liquor stores

This policy provides guidance on the Director’s requirements for liquor stores located outside the Perth metropolitan area to trade on Sundays under an ETP.

Extended Trading Permits/Variations — One-off events or functions

Under section 60 of the Act the licensing authority may grant an extended trading permit (ETP) authorising the licensee to sell and supply liquor in circumstances to which the licence would not otherwise apply.

Fire safety measures in licensed premises

A policy to provide a set of minimum fire safety measures for licensed premises

Forming links  Junior sport policy cover

Forming links – Junior sport policy

Young people receive their most effective and satisfying sports experiences when they experience goodwill and cooperation between all levels of stakeholders.

Free drinking water

Licensees must ensure that water suitable for drinking is provided, free of charge, at all times when liquor is sold and supplied for consumption on the licensed premises.

Golf Courses — Sale and Consumption of Liquor Guideline

To provide guidance on the requirements for the sale and consumption of liquor on golf courses.

Governance and State investment in sport

Policy on governance and State investment in sport

Harm minimisation

The sale, supply and consumption of liquor needs to be carefully regulated.

Incident register at licensed premises

To provide licensees with guidance regarding their obligations in relation to recording incidents that occur on and in the vicinity of their licensed premises.

Inspection of records and access to documents

Guidance to the legislative and operational requirements associated with the inspection of and access to documents relating to licensed premises that are held by the licensing authority.

Juveniles present on licensed premises for reasons other than work/training

Guidance on the legislative provisions regarding the situations where it is acceptable for a juvenile to be present on licensed premises (for reasons other than approved work experience/training).

Juveniles working/training on licensed premises

Guidance on the legislative provisions regarding juveniles being employed or engaged in the service of alcohol on licensed premises and juveniles being engaged in work experience on licensed premises, other than in the sale and supply of liquor.

Licensing of Security Officers at Crown Perth (Casino Operator) policy

Guidance for casino operators and persons wishing to be employed as security officers by the casino operator as to the licensing requirements of the Gaming and Wagering Commission.

Liquor accords

Guidance as to the legislative and operational requirements associated with Liquor Accords.


Guidance on lodgers on licensed premises.

Long-term involvement Junior sport policy cover

Long-term involvement – Junior sport policy

A major objective for junior sport is the development of life-long participation in sport.

Making sport safe  Junior sport policy cover

Making sport safe – Junior sport policy

Sport providers have a legal duty of care to protect the welfare of young people and ensure they are not exposed to unnecessary risk in any aspect of sports delivery.

Mandatory training

Guidance for mandatory training

Match-fixing in sport policy

Outline of the Gaming and Wagering Commission’s strategy in complying with the National Policy on Match-Fixing in Sport.

Native Title Access Policy

Access to information that is culturally sensitive to Aboriginal people can only do so with permission.

Objections and submissions

Legislative requirements relevant to objections and submissions under the Act.

Occasional liquor licence

Guidance for occasional liquor licences.

Off-site storage of liquor

Under the Liquor Control Act 1988 (‘the Act’), the sale and supply of liquor must always take place on or from the licensed premises.

Outlet density — packaged liquor premises

Guidance on packaged liquor sales.

People making it happen  Junior sport policy cover

People making it happen – Junior sport policy

The most important resource in junior sport is the people who provide the infrastructure for the delivery of activities and set the social atmosphere around sport.

Photographing and filming children

Sport and recreation organisations are expected to create and maintain safe environments that are fit for purpose, provide positive experiences and ensure the safety of children.

Physical growth and maturation  Junior sport policy cover

Physical growth and maturation – Junior sport policy

Young people receive their most effective and satisfying sports experiences when they experience goodwill and cooperation between all levels of stakeholders.

Pregnancy Testing policy

Pregnancy Testing

Combat Sports Commission policy

Probity assessments policy

Guidance to casino employees, gaming suppliers, gaming operators, bookmakers, bookmaker managers, bookmaker employees and RWWA key employees in relation to the probity requirements.

Proceedings before the director of liquor licensing

Under section 16 of the Liquor Control Act 1988 (‘the Act’), the licensing authority is required to act without undue formality and is not bound by the legal rules of evidence.

Producer’s licence

Guidance for producers licence.

Profit sharing and management agreements

Guidance on the legislative provisions relating to profit sharing and management arrangements, and the circumstances that must be taken into consideration when contemplating such arrangements.

Public Interest Assessment

The purpose of this policy is to provide guidance on the possible content of public interest assessment (PIA) submissions.

Quality coaching  Junior sport policy cover

Quality coaching – Junior sport policy

The overall aim of coaches is to help young people build a love of participating in sport for life-long involvement.

Rating Policy: Differential Rates

Local governments impose rates on the properties within their district to raise revenue to fund the services and facilities provided to residents and visitors. March 2023.

Rating Policy: Giving Notice

This policy aims to provide guidance to local governments on the legislative requirements governing the giving of notice on rates. June 2023.

Rating Policy: Minimum Payments

This document describes the legislative and policy basis for the application of minimum payments to land being rated by a local government. June 2023.

Rating Policy: Valuation of Land

Local governments impose rates on the properties within their district to raise revenue to fund the services and facilities provided to residents and visitors.

Rating Policy: Valuation of Land — Mining

This document describes the legislative and policy basis for the application of minimum payments to land being rated by a local government.

Refusal of service — powers of licensees

This guideline explains the provisions of the Liquor Control Act 1988 (the Act) that can be relied upon by licensees and other authorised persons to refuse service to people.

Residential premises — licensing requirement

Guidance as to the legislative requirements associated with the grant of a licence and it also identifies the matters that the licensing authority may have regard to when considering applications in respect of a residential premises.

Responsible promotion and advertising of liquor

This document provides the industry with a framework of practices to follow in the responsible promotion and advertising of liquor.

Rugby World Cup 2023 France (September to October 2023)

Extended trading permits (one-off hours), variation to licence conditions.

Safety and Security at licensed premises

Including those licences issued as an Occasional Licence.

Sale of Liquor on the Internet

Guidance for licensees regarding selling liquor on the internet.

Section 40 certificate of local planning authority

Guidance on submitting an unconditional section 40 certificate (certificate of local planning authority) or development approval lodged in lieu of a section 40 certificate.

Show cause proceedings — Section 64 of the Liquor Control Act 1988

Guidance as to the process that will be followed where the licensing authority proposes to impose, vary or cancel conditions on a licence on its own motion.

Small bar licences

Guidance as to the intent of small bar licences and the legislative requirements associated with them. It also provides guidance as to other matters that the licensing authority may have regard to when considering applications for small bar licences.

Special Facility Licences

Guidance as to the legislative and operational requirements associated with the grant, variation, substitution and cancellation of special facility licences.

Special Facility Licences — catering

Guidance as to the legislative requirements relating to special facility catering licences and the matters that may be taken into consideration when determining an application for such a licence.

Special Facility Licences — foodhall

Guidance as to the legislative requirements relating to special facility ‘foodhall’ licences.

Special Facility Licences — online wine sales

Guidance as to the legislative requirements relating to special facility ‘online wine sales’ licences and the matters that may be taken into consideration when determining an application for such a licence.

Special Facility Licences — works canteen

Guidance as to the legislative requirements relating to special facility ‘works canteen’ licences and the matters that may be taken into consideration when determining an application for such a licence.

Sport pathways cover

Sport pathways – Junior sport policy

During their growth from 5–17 years, young people develop physically, psychologically, emotionally and socially.

Standard Lottery policy

Eligible organisations who wish to raise funds for purposes other than private gain or commercial undertaking may apply for a standard lottery permit. This policy provides guidance as to the legislative requirements relating to these permit types.

Standards of licensed premises

Guidance as to the legislative requirements and criteria that will be used when considering the suitability of premises to be licensed under the Act.

Takeaway Alcohol Management System

A Takeaway Alcohol Management System (TAMS) is a system designed to support liquor restrictions, by reducing opportunities for people to purchase quantities of liquor, above what is mandated within any applicable restriction.

Tastings – producer’s and other licences

Guidance to licensees who wish to conduct tastings on their licensed premises or at another licensed premises.

Temporary bars

Guidance on Temporary Bar Licences.

The law and sport cover

The law and sport – Junior sport policy

Sport and the law is a complex area for clubs and associations.

Trading name

Guidance as to the legislative provisions relevant to trading names.

Two-up policy

The Gaming and Wagering Commission Act 1987 (the Act) provides for the issue of a Two-up permit to country race clubs and other organisations, which are located outside of a 100km radius of Crown Perth.

DLGSC logo with text: Policy UEFA Euro 2024 - Germany June to July 2024

UEFA EURO 2024 — Germany — June to July 2024

Extended trading permits (one-off hours) and Variation to Licence Conditions

Video lottery terminals policy

Guidance on the issuing of video lottery terminal (VLT) permits to sporting organisations/clubs, community/charitable organisations and local hotel based sporting/community associations.

Website information for certain licences

Guidance as to the legislative requirements relating to websites maintained by, or on behalf of the licensee.

Youth sport policy

Youth sport – Junior sport policy

Regular participation in physical activity and sport is important for young people's health and wellbeing.

Page reviewed 31 October 2023