
The department's policies.

Approval for juveniles to be on licensed premises

The 3 circumstances where prior approval is required before a juvenile is permitted on a licensed premises.

Automatic Teller Machines (ATMs) at Crown Perth

The purpose of this policy is to describe the requirements placed on Crown Perth by the Gaming and Wagering Commission (the Commission) in relation to the placement of, and withdrawal limits from ATMs at Crown Perth.

Banned Drinkers Register

A Banned Drinkers Register (BDR) is a register of people who are prohibited by current legislation from purchasing packaged (takeaway) liquor from some or all licensed premises in Western Australia.

Burials outside a proclaimed cemetery

Burials in the State of Western Australia are governed by the Cemeteries Act 1986.

Casino gaming on cruise ships policy

Guidance for cruise ships with onboard casino gaming facilities travelling through or docking in Western Australian waters.

Certificates of planning authority and local government

The legislative requirements for planning approvals and local government certifications.

Child Safeguarding Policy

Outlines the responsibilities of DLGSC and Cultural Statutory Authorities in relation to child related work or interactions by employees, contractors, volunteers and third party organisations.

Community poker policy

The purpose of this policy is to provide guidance on the manner in which poker may be lawfully played and conducted in Western Australia.

Complaint Handling Procedure

These procedures detail how the department responds to complaints and complements the department’s Complaint Management Policy.

Complaint Management Policy

This policy enables the department to effectively manage complaints

Document cover for  the GWC 2024-25 Compliance and Enforcement Priorities

Compliance and enforcement priorities 2024 to 2025

This document outlines the current enforcement powers, priorities and regulatory posture of the Gaming and Wagering Commission of Western Australia (GWC).

Conditions attached to a Standard Lottery Permit

Gaming and Wagering Commission Act 1987 Section 101(1)(a)

Electronic gaming machines – return to player (RTP) policy

Adoption of technical standards for electronic gaming machines (EGMs) as set out in the Gaming Machine National Standard.

Electronic gaming machines policy

Guidelines used by the Gaming and Wagering Commission (the Commission) in determining whether a game played by an electronic gaming machine (EGM) that is not a poker machine is authorised for use at the casino.

Entertainment condition

This condition requires everyone on the licensed premises meets certain standards of dress and behaviour.

Extended trading permits

What extended trading permits are and their specific requirements.

Fire safety measures in licensed premises

All licensed premises must meet minimum fire safety standards.

Forming links  Junior sport policy cover

Forming links – Junior sport policy

Young people receive their most effective and satisfying sports experiences when they experience goodwill and cooperation between all levels of stakeholders.

Governance and State investment in sport

Policy on governance and State investment in sport

Harm minimisation plan

Requirements to meet and maintain measures and practices of harm minimisation.

Licensing of Security Officers at Crown Perth (Casino Operator) policy

Guidance for casino operators and persons wishing to be employed as security officers by the casino operator as to the licensing requirements of the Gaming and Wagering Commission.

Liquor accords

Guidance as to the legislative and operational requirements associated with Liquor Accords.

Long-term involvement Junior sport policy cover

Long-term involvement – Junior sport policy

A major objective for junior sport is the development of life-long participation in sport.

Making sport safe  Junior sport policy cover

Making sport safe – Junior sport policy

Sport providers have a legal duty of care to protect the welfare of young people and ensure they are not exposed to unnecessary risk in any aspect of sports delivery.

Match-fixing in sport policy

Outline of the Gaming and Wagering Commission’s strategy in complying with the National Policy on Match-Fixing in Sport.

Native Title Access Policy

Access to information that is culturally sensitive to Aboriginal people can only do so with permission.

Objections and submissions

Legislative requirements relevant to objections and submissions under the Act.

Occasional liquor licences

An occasional licence allows a licensee to sell or supply alcohol, for an occasion of no more than 3 weeks.

People making it happen  Junior sport policy cover

People making it happen – Junior sport policy

The most important resource in junior sport is the people who provide the infrastructure for the delivery of activities and set the social atmosphere around sport.

Permitted number of guests of lodgers

Information on how many adult guests a lodger may have on a licensed premises.

Photographing and filming children

Sport and recreation organisations are expected to create and maintain safe environments that are fit for purpose, provide positive experiences and ensure the safety of children.

Physical growth and maturation  Junior sport policy cover

Physical growth and maturation – Junior sport policy

Young people receive their most effective and satisfying sports experiences when they experience goodwill and cooperation between all levels of stakeholders.

Pregnancy Testing policy

Pregnancy Testing

Combat Sports Commission policy

Document cover: Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

Interim policy

Probity assessments policy

Guidance to casino employees, gaming suppliers, gaming operators, bookmakers, bookmaker managers, bookmaker employees and RWWA key employees in relation to the probity requirements.

Quality coaching  Junior sport policy cover

Quality coaching – Junior sport policy

The overall aim of coaches is to help young people build a love of participating in sport for life-long involvement.

Rating Policy: Differential Rates

Local governments impose rates on the properties within their district to raise revenue to fund the services and facilities provided to residents and visitors. March 2023.

Rating Policy: Giving Notice

This policy aims to provide guidance to local governments on the legislative requirements governing the giving of notice on rates. June 2023.

Rating Policy: Minimum Payments

This document describes the legislative and policy basis for the application of minimum payments to land being rated by a local government. June 2023.

Rating Policy: Valuation of Land

Local governments impose rates on the properties within their district to raise revenue to fund the services and facilities provided to residents and visitors.

Rating Policy: Valuation of Land — Mining

This document describes the legislative and policy basis for the application of minimum payments to land being rated by a local government.

Responsible promotion and advertising of alcohol

Licensees must ensure responsible promotion or advertising of alcohol.

Security licensing conditions

Possible security measures for higher risk premises and events.

Special facility licences

What special facility licences are and their specific requirements.

Sport pathways cover

Sport pathways – Junior sport policy

During their growth from 5–17 years, young people develop physically, psychologically, emotionally and socially.

Standard Lottery policy

Eligible organisations who wish to raise funds for purposes other than private gain or commercial undertaking may apply for a standard lottery permit. This policy provides guidance as to the legislative requirements relating to these permit types.

Standards of licensed premises

Director of Liquor Licensing Policy

Takeaway Alcohol Management System

A Takeaway Alcohol Management System (TAMS) is a system designed to support liquor restrictions, by reducing opportunities for people to purchase quantities of liquor, above what is mandated within any applicable restriction.

Temporary bars

Guidance on applying for a liquor licence or permit for a temporary bar at an event.

The law and sport cover

The law and sport – Junior sport policy

Sport and the law is a complex area for clubs and associations.

Two-up policy

The Gaming and Wagering Commission Act 1987 (the Act) provides for the issue of a Two-up permit to country race clubs and other organisations, which are located outside of a 100km radius of Crown Perth.

Video lottery terminals policy

Guidance on the issuing of video lottery terminal (VLT) permits to sporting organisations/clubs, community/charitable organisations and local hotel based sporting/community associations.

When a residence may be a licensed premises

Explains the limited circumstances in which a residential premises to become a licensed premises.

Youth sport policy

Youth sport – Junior sport policy

Regular participation in physical activity and sport is important for young people's health and wellbeing.

Page reviewed 31 October 2023