Conditions attached to a Standard Lottery Permit

Policy: Gaming and Wagering Commission Act 1987 Section 101(1)(a)

These conditions are an annexure to a Standard Lottery Permit:

  1. The number of tickets printed must not exceed the number authorised by the permit and shall be numbered consecutively from 1 upwards.
  2. The price of every ticket shall be the same.
  3. No person shall be permitted to participate in the lottery until the whole purchase price of the ticket has been paid.
  4. Every ticket shall have printed on it the:­
    • ticket number; 
    • price; 
    • name and contact number of permit holder; 
    • name of the organisation on behalf of which the lottery is conducted; 
      permit number; 
    • amount, or nature and value of each prize (including any restriction that may apply to any tour, accommodation or journey prize, and any expenses to be incurred by the winner); 
      date of drawing; and 
    • name and date of issue of the publication in which the results are to appear. 
  5. Money received for or on account of a ticket or chance shall not be refunded without the written approval of the Gaming and Wagering Commission. 
  6. A written record shall be kept by the permit holder of the numbers of the tickets issued for sale and the names and addresses of the person to whom they were issued, the number of such tickets issued that have been sold and the number of tickets returned unsold.
  7. No person under the age of 12 years shall be permitted to sell tickets in the lottery. In addition, when liquor is offered as a prize, persons under 18 years of age are prohibited from selling or purchasing a ticket in the lottery.
  8. Tickets shall not be sent or posted to any person for the purpose of sale to or by that person, unless their consent has previously been obtained to either buy or sell tickets in the lottery.
  9. Every person who sells a ticket shall at the time of the sale, cause to be legibly written on the butt of such ticket the surname and postal or residential address of the ticket holder, or cause such details to be recorded in an approved register.
  10. Tickets shall not be sold or offered for sale in any street, public thoroughfare, right of way, doorway or any place where it is contrary to any statute or by-law, unless written approval has been obtained from the appropriate authority.
  11. House to house sales shall be conducted during the hours of 9am to 6pm, but not on Good Friday, Christmas Day, or the morning of Anzac Day.
  12. Solicitation of ticket sales by telephone shall only be conducted during the hours of 9am and 8pm Monday to Friday and 9am and 6pm Saturday and Sunday, but not on Good Friday, Christmas Day, or the morning of Anzac Day.
  13. An organisation on behalf of which the lottery is conducted (or a person acting on behalf of the organisation) shall not purchase tickets or otherwise acquire tickets in the lottery. (Does not preclude a member of the organisation purchasing tickets on their own behalf).
  14. The permit holder shall ensure all butts of tickets sold, the proceeds of such sales and all other tickets issued but unsold has been returned prior to the draw. 
  15. All sold tickets shall be included in the draw.
  16. The prize winner or winners of the lottery shall be determined by the drawing of tickets numbers or lots. The major prize shall be awarded to the first ticket drawn excepting where the lottery is a Sweepstake or Continuous Draw Lottery as approved by the Commission. If more than one prize is offered, prizes shall be ranked according to the drawing.
  17. The permit holder shall keep, or cause to be kept accurate and adequate records of gross proceeds and obtain receipts or other proof of payment made for all expenses. Such records together with ticket butts and unsold tickets shall be kept in good order for a period of 12 months and be made available for inspection by an Authorised Officer of the Gaming and Wagering Commission or Police Officer.
  18. The permit holder shall keep a copy of the "Standard Lottery Financial Return" for a period of 12 months.
  19. The lottery shall be conducted in such a manner that every holder of a ticket has a fair and equal chance, in respect of every ticket or chance held by him or her, of winning a prize.
  20. The net proceeds of the lottery shall be used only for the purpose stated in the application for the permit. 
  21. No prize may consist of or include cosmetic surgical and medical procedures.
  22. The provision of liquor as a prize is prohibited unless the retail value of the liquor is less than $1000 per prize 
  23. All prizes shall be delivered to the prize winners within 30 days of the completion of the lottery.
  24. Requests for postponements of drawing etc, must be made in writing to the Gaming and Wagering Commission at least 14 days before the lottery's scheduled closing date. This request must include the new drawing and publishing dates and a notice must be placed in the relevant publication advising ticket holders of the postponement. 
  25. The permit holder shall furnish the Gaming and Wagering Commission with all such information (including copies of documents) relating to the subject of the permit including but not limited to information relating to the disbursement of moneys (particularly the purpose or purposes to which they were applied) constituting the gross receipts from the gaming or lottery the subject of the permit as the Gaming and Wagering Commission may from time to time require.

Director Licensing and Industry Services
Department of Local Government, Sport and Cultural Industries

Page reviewed 27 Feb 2024