Partnership Acceptance Learning Sharing (PALS)

Grants for WA schools to promote and advance reconciliation.

The Partnership Acceptance Learning Sharing (PALS) program encourages WA schools to develop projects promoting and advancing reconciliation in their local community.  By supporting projects that enhance the education and understanding of Aboriginal cultures, achievements and histories in the classroom, we gain a deeper understanding of the experiences and diversity of Aboriginal people, which is key to recognising our shared histories and unified futures. The PALS program objectives are:

  • Partnership between Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal people based on trust, mutual respect and understanding.
  • Acceptance of and respect for diversity and valuing Aboriginal perspectives.
  • Learning more about each other, Aboriginal histories, languages and cultures; and how we can build strong partnerships with Aboriginal people.
  • Sharing a common journey towards healing and reconciliation.


PALS projects must focus on reconciliation and align with one or more of our six categories. In addition, an in class learning component is mandatory and must feature with your grant.


Applications are open to Western Australian:
  • kindergartens funded by the Department of Education. 
  • all WA primary and secondary schools – inclusive of public schools directly funded by the Department of Education and Catholic and Independent schools which are independently supported.  
Schools with and without Aboriginal students are encouraged to apply for PALS funding.   

Important dates

Round Open Close Project start date Project end date
Term 3 2024 9:00am 25 July (week 2 term 3) 2024 4:00pm 5 September (week 8 term 3) 2024 21 October (week 3 term 4) 2024 24 October (week 2 term 4) 2025
Term 4 2024 9:00am 15 October (week 2 term 4) 2024 4:00pm 28 November (week 8 term 4) 2024 17 February (week 3 term 1) 2025 3 February (week 2 term 1) 2026
Term 1 2025 9:00am 30 January (week 2 term 1) 2025 4:00pm 27 March (week 8 term 1) 2025 15 May (week 3 term 2) 2025 1 May (week 2 term 2) 2026
Term 2 2025 9:00am 6 May (week 2 term 2) 2025 4:00pm 19 June (week 8 term 2) 2025 4 August (week 3 term 3) 2025 31 July (week 2 term 3) 2026

Funding overview

item.Fields.OpenDate: 1/30/2025 9:00:27 AM
item.Fields.CloseDate: 3/27/2025 5:00:00 PM

Closing soon

Closing 5:00pm 27 March 2025

Who can apply

  • WA Primary schools 
  • WA Secondary schools  
  • WA kindergartens funded by the Department of Education  


Amount available

  • Up to $5000


You must read the guidelines before submitting an application as they provide essential information.

Partnership Acceptance Learning Sharing (PALS) guidelines

Funding categories

Category Amount Objectives What you can apply for
Arts Embracing traditional and contemporary Aboriginal art by exploring visual and performing art forms; engaging with Aboriginal people to share traditional knowledge, to learn and practice these art forms and to understand the role of art as a means of story-telling in Aboriginal culture. Projects can vary and range from producing Aboriginal art murals, bush tucker gardens, running NAIDOC Week events or fostering relationships between students and Aboriginal Elders through school incursions and excursions.
Community Relationships Building collaborative, trusting and respectful relationships with Aboriginal students, families and communities; developing and maintaining sustainable partnerships between Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal people across the entire school community. Projects can vary and range from producing Aboriginal art murals, bush tucker gardens, running NAIDOC Week events or fostering relationships between students and Aboriginal Elders through school incursions and excursions.
Connecting to Country and Culture Exploring the strong spiritual connection between Aboriginal people and Country including the importance of land, caring for country and using natural resources in a sustainable manner; spending time on country; and learning about the historical and cultural significance of the school’s local area.

Projects can vary and range from producing Aboriginal art murals, bush tucker gardens, running NAIDOC Week events or fostering relationships between students and Aboriginal Elders through school incursions and excursions.

History Increasing staff and students’ knowledge of Aboriginal histories and cultures, including understanding significant Aboriginal people, places or events; exploring the impacts of colonisation; understanding how historical events are relevant in a contemporary context in Australia’s journey towards reconciliation.

Projects can vary and range from producing Aboriginal art murals, bush tucker gardens, running NAIDOC Week events or fostering relationships between students and Aboriginal Elders through school incursions and excursions.

Inclusive Environments Creating learning environments that respect the cultures, languages and experiences of Aboriginal people; creating a physical space that enables students to learn in settings that are connected to local histories, cultures and languages; establishing initiatives and approaches that support the physical health and social and emotional wellbeing of students. Projects can vary and range from producing Aboriginal art murals, bush tucker gardens, running NAIDOC Week events or fostering relationships between students and Aboriginal Elders through school incursions and excursions.
Language Increasing awareness and appreciation of local Aboriginal languages by exploring culture through storytelling, contemporary literature and written and visual resources; collaborating with local Aboriginal families and communities to appreciate the diversity and importance of Aboriginal languages within the school and broader community.

Projects can vary and range from producing Aboriginal art murals, bush tucker gardens, running NAIDOC Week events or fostering relationships between students and Aboriginal Elders through school incursions and excursions.

Guidelines and resources

Please refer to the following documents for more information before applying

PALS program guidelines

PALS Project Toolkit

The PALS Project Toolkit is designed to assist you with planning and developing your project. It provides: 

  • an overview of the six funding categories 
  • ideas for possible projects 
  • past examples of successful projects 
  • a list of recommended resources.

PALS Project Toolkit: Connecting to Curriculum

This document is an information resource that provides you with examples of different aspects of the Western Australian Curriculum that align with the six PALS project categories from pre-primary to year 10. It also provides specific examples under each code on how to connect the code to the teaching and learning of Aboriginal histories and cultures.

PALS Project: Planning Sheet

This document will assist you in planning your project.


To acquit a PALS grant for funding prior to 2023, please email

Successful applications


TRIM IDProgramFunding RoundCategoryDisciplineApplicantProject titlePost Code - Location (Applicant) (Applicant)DescriptionAmount AwardedApplication StatusGrant amount requestedApplication Received DateDecision DateYear
Inclusive EnvironmentsCommunity arts and cultural developmentCaversham Valley Primary SchoolBush Tucker GardenWe would like to install a bush tucker garden in an unused garden bed that is opposite our newly installed outdoor classroom. The bush tucker garden will be split into 6 areas and each area will focus on the native plants for each season so as we progress through the year, certain parts of the bush tucker garden are growing to bring that season into focus.4,9002024-25
Connecting to Country and CultureCommunity arts and cultural developmentSafety Bay Primary SchoolYarning with JustinJustin Martin is a Wadjuk man, and a qualified tour guide and Aboriginal artworks specialist. Justin will come to the school to talk with classes/year groups about the local history, Noongar people, language, art and more. Safety Bay Primary School has vast cultural diversity throughout the school. These sessions will be used to educate all of our students and community about our First Nations People and Noongar Boodjar.5,0002024-25
Inclusive EnvironmentsCommunity arts and cultural developmentBelmont City CollegeBuilding inclusivity through language learning and yarningWe are embarking on 3 activities. The first involves adopting dual language signage across the school. Noongar language will be used alongside English names e.g. Mereny (food) for canteen along with a QR code linked to the spoken word. The second, relates to the construction of a yarning circle and the third, local Elders will be invited to be part of a yarning group for staff and students. Each will be linked to curriculum-based activities and implemented with students, staff and community.5,0002024-25
Connecting to Country and CultureCommunity arts and cultural developmentCottesloe Primary SchoolBilya to WardenIn 2025, a creative session with our Year 6 students will start a collective canvas, reflecting their understanding of Cottesloe Primary School's significant cultural story. All students will be apart of creating the canvas, while staff and parent workshops will foster cultural understanding and involvement. By the end of 2025, the canvas will be completed, symbolizing the shared journey of our school community in celebrating Aboriginal culture and storytelling.5,0002024-25
Connecting to Country and CultureCommunity arts and cultural developmentMater Dei CollegeThe Whadjuk GiftThe Whadjuk Gift is a project we run at Mater Dei College that includes 10 primary schools from catholic and government schools. It includes over 500 students who design a t-shirt based on an Aboriginal Nation. They come to our college and compete for their chosen Nation in a day of sports-cultural activities. We have about 33 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Nations represented.4,8202024-25
Connecting to Country and CultureCommunity arts and cultural developmentEast Maddington Primary SchoolAboriginal Survival TechnologyThis dynamic presentation will give your students a visual and tactile experience of traditional technologies used by Indigenous peoples across the varied environments of Australia deserts, mountains, rivers and sea shores. Philip Green has a large collection of museum-quality artefacts which are given out in multiple touch-boxes for students to examine and handle. Students have the ability to learn in conjunction with Tracks to Two Way Learning.2,5802024-25
ArtsVisual arts and craftsOcean Reef Primary SchoolDjookanka-Sisters Art WorkshopWe will be having the Djookanka sisters come to the school to lead the workshop. They are 2 Noongar sisters from the area. On day 1 they will work with students to write and/or draw about what makes the school special to them. They will talk to students about the use of storytelling in art. On day 2 the sisters will come back to create a collaborative art piece with students. They will use students ideas from the previous day, here students will be using paint to create the artwork.1,5002024-25
ArtsInteractive arts contentPicton Primary SchoolFirst Nations ECE Sensory & Learning TrailWe are a small primary school and would like to create an Indigenous themed interactive pathway in our Kindy/PP area. It will include Aboriginal Artwork and Language to engage students in activities to improve their gross motor skills and learn about Aboriginal language and culture.5,0002024-25
Connecting to Country and CultureCommunity arts and cultural developmentKalamunda Primary SchoolKPS Kaa-kaa Bush Tucker Community Garden and Nature TrailTo help our school community build a stronger connection to the land upon which our school is built. To create a bush tucker garden, chicken coop and frog pond with walk trail to create a sense of belonging, give students an opportunity to learn about the native flora and fauna that grows on the land surrounding us and how we can use these plants for a variety of purposes. The space will promote outdoor learning and a space for community to connect promoting cultural awareness and inclusivity.5,0002024-25
Connecting to Country and CultureCommunity arts and cultural developmentLittle Grove Primary SchoolCulture & Environment TeamWe have created a professional learning team at our school that will begin next year, with 2 goals: to put our Reconciliation Action Plan goals into action, and to also create sustainability goals & initiatives that complement cultural responsiveness. A grant will allow us to pay our community elders for their time with us, develop our bush tucker sustainable gardens & begin our inaugural senior block 'on-Country' cultural immersion day.3,0002024-25
Connecting to Country and CultureCommunity arts and cultural developmentCondingup Primary SchoolCultural CompetencyWe would like to do the following in 2025-Student and Staff Walk on Country-Working with Dabungool to learn about the history of Esperance, as well as about bush tucker. Wongutha CAPS NAIDOC Day Celebrations and NAIDOC town schools excursion-working with Wongutha and town schools to celebrate NAIDOC. Mudjar-Whole school excursion to complete artwork with the resident artist.4,0722024-25
Connecting to Country and CultureCommunity arts and cultural developmentLiwara Catholic Primary SchoolWhadjuk GiftThe events began with a Welcome to Country, story telling and a smoking ceremony. This is followed by a series of activities, including a showcase of t-shirts designed by students representing 33 nations. The students travel by bus to Mater Dei College in Edgewater to participate in the event.1,5002024-25
Connecting to Country and CultureCommunity arts and cultural developmentBaynton West Primary SchoolConnecting to Country, Language and EnvironmentThe Connecting to Country and Environmental Effects of Industry Project involves two activities. In Option 1, students explore the cultural significance of Murujuga petroglyphs and the environmental impact of Hearsons Cove with Murujuga Rangers. In Option 2, students study the Ngurin (Harding River) through a Bush Tucker Trail with Ngarluma members. Students create maps and drawings for a school arts showcase, highlighting cultural and environmental connections.5,0002024-25
LanguageCommunity arts and cultural developmentCannington Community Education Support CentreDual name signage (Noongar and English) for buildings / spaces around the schoolCannington Community Education Support Centre (CCESC) is developing a Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP) and the Working Group (committee) endorsed dual language signage as part of our commitment towards reconciliation. We have included in our supplementary RAP Actions "Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Languages" and providing students with opportunities to see Noongar language in their school supports their understanding of the Traditional Custodians of the Whadjuk Country.5,0002024-25
Connecting to Country and CultureCommunity arts and cultural developmentDenmark Senior High SchoolNAIDOC WeekEngaging all students, staff and invited community members in a series of events to celebrate NAIDOC Week and increase community awareness of the arts and culture of our local indigenous people. This will include a whole school assembly with performance opportunity (dancers/music), curriculum activities embedded in Learning Areas and a range of lunchtime activities as well as guest speakers for selected year groups. We will be working in partnership with local Aboriginal organisations.3,0002024-25
Connecting to Country and CultureCross-art formBoyare Primary SchoolBoyare Primary School - Year-round activities for ReconciliationBoyare Primary School will be organizing a range of activities during the year and during NAIDOC Week that support reconciliation. There will be a Yirra Yaakin incursion, a Yalkarang incursion, a Noongar Boodja Six Seasons Kings Park Excursion, damper making, and Aboriginal sensory/dramatic play resources will be introduced. We will conduct activities and lessons during class contact time that promote Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander culture and history.5,0002024-25
Community RelationshipCommunity arts and cultural developmentGwynne Park Primary SchoolNAIDOC week 2025 CelebrationsA key focus is to develop community links and promote student engagement through indigenous activities. Our NAIDOC assembly involves a variety of speakers, elders and musical/dance performers to showcase the importance of Aboriginal culture in WA and more specifically in our local community. Part of the NAIDOC assembly would involve Guy Ghouse and Gina Williams, 2 amazing Aboriginal story tellers and musical performers coming to our school to promote the Noongar Culture to all the students.5,0002024-25
Connecting to Country and CultureCommunity arts and cultural developmentBindoon Primary SchoolNoongar Boodja Six SeasonsTo follow the creation of a Six Seasons garden in our school, we would like to organise a whole school excursion to Kings Park to involve the students in the Noongar Six Seasons program. These programs will support our recent endeavours to create a Reconciliation Action Plan to enhance respect for Aboriginal people, appreciation for diversity in our community and a sense of responsibility for caring for our natural environment.4,7362024-25
Connecting to Country and CultureInteractive arts contentChristian Community Ministries LtdConnecting CultureProvide opportunity to connect with our Aboriginal families in our school and get them involved and supporting our Aboriginal students. Aim to do an incursion involving the arts for our Year PP-2 students and get our Year 3-6 out to a local culturally significant site. At this site Ngilgi cave, students will get a tour and the local Wardandi history by Koomal Dreaming.5,0002024-25
Connecting to Country and CultureCommunity arts and cultural developmentWinthrop Primary SchoolCome TogetherAs part of our whole school community Harmony Day and NAIDOC events, Olman Walley, local Whadjuk Noongar person will share stories and history of the local area to our Winthrop community including students, staff and families. Prior to this event, he will visit on our Staff Development Day to build staff knowledge in relation to the Aboriginal Cultural Standards Framework (ACSF). Ongoing training assists us in our goal to aim to be assess as culturally competent against the ACSF.1,5002024-25
Connecting to Country and CultureCommunity arts and cultural developmentSt Joseph's School BoulderWhole School Celebration - NAIDOC DayWe are incorporating a whole school celebration during NAIDOC week to celebrate and provide an opportunity for our school to engage in Aboriginal culture, learn about its rich history, and recognise the contributions of Indigenous people to Australian society. We are inviting our students and their families to participate in NAIDOC week activities, fostering understanding, respect and reconciliation.5,0002024-25

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More information

Contact the PALS Officer on 61 8 6552 7400 or email

Page reviewed 16 January 2025