The research hub contains culture and the arts research projects, statistics and links to summary reports and publications about culture and the arts in Western Australia.
The information found on the research hub is sourced from surveys conducted by independent consultants, Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) reports and other findings from research partnerships.
The department works with the:
The cultural and creative industries are defined as those areas of practice that turn original individual creativity into social and commercial outcomes.
Understanding attendance or participation in arts and culture activity shows that Western Australians support and value arts and culture.
The value of arts and culture to society, and how to measure this value, has been the subject of intense debate for many years both in Australia and internationally.
A map of the State’s existing cultural infrastructure. You can search for a cultural facility or help plan to grow WA’s cultural engagement and creative economy.
Australian Research Council and other national research projects.
The department has reviewed live music, writing and visual arts sectors in Western Australia to determine future directions and opportunities for each sector.
6 government agencies are collaborating with an international team of researchers to track how Australian audiences feel about attending arts and culture events in the context of the pandemic.
The department commissioned a survey to assess COVID-19 impacts on employment and revenue in the creative industries in Western Australia.
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