Support and advice for local governments

The department provides support and advisory services to 139 local governments, including 2 Indian Ocean Territories.

Our services aim to improve the capacity of local governments to respond to community demands and expectations, levels of accountability and legislative compliance. 

There are 2 support services available to local government officers and council members — a general advisory line and a financial policy and accounting help desk.  

Members of the public with concerns involving their local government should attempt to resolve them directly with their local government.

Find out more about resolving a concern with your local government 

Local Government Advisory Line

Telephone 1300 762 511
8:30am to 4:30pm, Monday to Friday

To allow for an informed response, it is preferred that complex enquiries are made by email in the first instance.

Questions related to long service leave should be directed to the responsible area of the relevant local government, or if a member, to WALGA's Employee Relations service.

Local Government Accounting Helpdesk


LG Alerts

Page reviewed 28 February 2025