The department accepts complaints about alleged breaches of the Local Government Act 1995 (the Act) and the associated legislation such as the Local Government (Model Code of Conduct) Regulations 2021 (Rules of Conduct).
Complaint confidentiality
It is very important to note that once a complaint has been lodged, confidentiality applies. Under section 5.123 of the Act, it is an offence to disclose information that the complaint has been made or any information about any details of the complaint
until the matter has been dealt with and an order has been made by Panel under section 5.110(6) or the State Administrative Tribunal under section 5.117(1) of the Act.
Minor breaches
The Local Government Standards Panel (the Panel) is a body established under section 5.122 of the Act, to objectively and impartially determine allegations of minor breach of the Rules of Conduct against a council member.
Complaints must be lodged in accordance with the process outlined in Part 5 Division 9 of the Act. A person can only make a complaint of a minor breach within 6 months after the breach alleged in the complaint has occurred. A complaint cannot be made
after that time has elapsed. Once a complaint is received, a report is prepared for the Panel to consider.
The Panel cannot investigate matters. It can only make decisions based on the information before it, therefore, detailed complaints are essential for the Panel members to make informed decisions.
When a complaint has been lodged, the complainant will receive an automated reply. This is not an acknowledgement your complaint will proceed, but an acknowledgment your complaint has been successfully received by the Panel. Once your complaint has been
assessed you will be notified of the status of your complaint.
Members of the Panel
The Panel comprises of three members:
- An officer of the department who is the presiding member.
- A person who has experience as a member of a council.
- A person with relevant legal knowledge.
The current Panel members are:
Presiding member
Tim Fraser, Executive Director, Local Government, Department of Local Government, Sport and Cultural Industries
Local government member
Peter Rogers, Councillor, City of Mandurah
Legal member
Emma Power, Principal, Power Commercial Legal
Administrative support is provided by the department.
Please note, the department and the Panel are separate entities.
The link below provides you with the process for submitting a minor breach through the Local Government Complaints Officer.