Integrity is the
basis of sport's reputation for fair and ethical behaviour. The
department acknowledges that industry leadership is essential to retain
community confidence that sport in Western Australia is being played in a
safe, fair and ethical way.
The incidence of integrity issues across areas such as sports
betting, child safety, drugs (performance and image enhancing drugs,
illicit drugs and alcohol), concussion, corruption, violence and
inappropriate behaviour threatens the positive reputation and image of
sport and recreation.
It’s important to proactively develop responses to safeguard the
integrity and values which makes sport and recreation a fundamental part
of Australian culture.
Leading the way
Western Australian community standards and norms continue to evolve
and it is the department's responsibility to lead the way in ensuring
that the sport and recreation industry keeps up with these changes in
our society.
The department collaborates with a variety of other organisations including SportWest, Australian and New Zealand Sports Law Association (ANZSLA), WA Police (WAPOL) and Sports Medicine WA (SMAWA) to provide support, resources and information to the industry and wider community.
The department provides policy position statements on
a range of industry issues, such as alcohol and community sport, child
safeguarding, concussion, performance enhancing drugs in sport and