Guidance on council and committee meetings updated

Guidance material on council and committee meetings has been updated to better support the establishment and operation of committees in accordance with the Local Government Act 1995.
28 March 2024

LG Alert

Guidance material on council and committee meetings has been reviewed and updated to provide more detailed information and to clarify how committees operate.

The guidance material explains:

  • the different types of council committees that a council may establish, including advisory committees
  • other types of informal groups that councils may establish, including working groups or advisory groups
  • the different requirements that apply to committees compared to other informal groups
  • the application of recent reforms that enable the payment of meeting fees to independent committee members.

In addition, content in the guide has been updated to provide clarity on other reforms, including holding electronic meetings and the Model Code of Conduct.

Visit A Guide to Council and Committee Meetings on the DLGSC’s website.

Standardised meeting procedures consultation

As part of local government reforms, the department is currently seeking feedback from the sector to inform the development of new regulations and revised guidance materials to standardise local government meeting procedures in Western Australia.

The proposed state-wide regulations would standardise rules and replace individual council procedures, standing orders and local laws.

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