CEO recruitment and termination

Local government councils must approve, by absolute majority, appointments to the position of chief executive officer (CEO) and their employment contracts.
16 April 2024

LG Alert

This follows the local government model standards for CEO recruitment, termination and selection as set out in the Local Government Act 1995 section 5.39B(7).

In accordance with the Local Government (Administration) Regulations, regulation 18FB, a copy of the council’s resolution certifying that the CEO was employed in accordance with the adopted standards must be provided to the Director General of the Department of Local Government, Sport and Cultural Industries within 14 days of the resolution passing.

To meet the legislative requirements as set out above, a copy of the council's resolution should be sent to the Director General, Ms Lanie Chopping ( and the local government governance team (

Please direct any questions about CEO recruitment and termination to or via phone at 1300 762 511.


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