Standardised meeting procedures consultation now open

A 3-month consultation period is now open to inform the development of new regulations and guidance materials to standardise local government council and meeting procedures in WA.
28 February 2024

LG Alert

The proposed state-wide regulations would replace individual council procedures, standing orders and local laws, and are part of the first tranche of local government reforms which were passed by WA Parliament in May 2023.

The Department of Local Government, Sport and Cultural Industries (DLGSC) invites local governments, councillors and community members to have their say by:

The consultation closes on Wednesday 29 May 2024.

Standardised Meeting Procedures Consultation

Learn more at our webinar

Join us at our first local government reform webinar for 2024:

2pm to 4pm Thursday 29 February

This webinar will begin with an address from the new Minister for Local Government, the Hon Hannah Beazley MLA. 

It will then focus on the proposed standardised meeting procedures for local government meetings.

We look forward to you joining us!

Register your attendance


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