Writing sector review
The Writing Sector Review Final Recommendations is the culmination of an extensive consultation process initiated by the department in 2016 with the aim of identifying future directions and opportunities for the WA writing sector.
In late 2016, a private sector consultancy was engaged to undertake a review of the sector under governance of an independent reference group with expertise in writing sector development.
The consultant’s report and reference group recommendations were released for public comment in July 2017 and the Writing Sector Review Final Recommendations consider the results of this public consultation.
Visual arts review
In October 2016, the research paper Present State — An inquiry into the visual arts sector in Western Australia 2016 was released.
The review was initiated to provide an insight into the state of the visual arts sector and provide decision-makers with a better understanding of the sector’s needs.
As a response to the Visual Arts Sector Review ART ON THE MOVE hosted the Regional Galleries Forum at the Mandurah Performing Arts Centre in November 2016. The key outcome from this event was for the establishment of a Public Galleries Association, now
known as GalleriesWest Inc.
GalleriesWest Inc was formed in September 2017 as an independent advocacy body dedicated to connecting and strengthening the public galleries sector in Western Australia to offer residents and visitors access to the best possible visual arts and cultural
Live music venues review
The 2015 Live Music Venues report is a desktop review of the live music venues in Western Australia, examining whether the closures of venues represented a trend and if so, what policy or other considerations may be considered to support venues that showcase
live music.
Questions on any of the sector reviews can be emailed to the culture and the arts Research, Policy and Evaluation team