Arts Projects for Individuals and Groups

Offering between $5000 and $80,000 funding for artists and creative industry professionals to deliver a one-off project or a program of activity.

The program supports the development and growth of a vibrant sector that promotes the participation and active engagement of Western Australian communities in high quality arts and cultural experiences.


Individuals and groups (unincorporated bodies/partnerships) that deliver arts projects are welcome to apply to this program however: 

  • individuals must have Australian citizenship or permanent resident status
  • groups including unincorporated bodies, partnerships and individuals informally collaborating on an activity must be based in Australia
  • organisations applying for funding must apply through the Arts Projects for Organisations program
  • applications to this program cannot be auspiced/administered by an organisation
  • individuals being auspiced by an organisation must apply through the Arts Projects for Organisations program
  • if you are applying on behalf of Aboriginal people you must provide evidence of significant Aboriginal involvement in the conception, development of and participation in the activity. Applicants are strongly encouraged to contact the department to discuss how this can be demonstrated prior to applying
  • although WA residency is not a requirement to apply for a grant, if you are applying from outside WA you will need to show the benefits to WA artists, creatives, arts or cultural workers in your application.

Funding rounds

Round Open Draft review Close Projects beginning after Notification Category
August 2024 9:00am 6 August 2024 4pm 29 August (first time applicants only) 4:00pm 12 September 2024 16 January 2025 Approximately 12 weeks after round closing date
  • Aboriginal Arts
  • Arts and Creative Business Development
  • Creative Development
December 2024 9:00am 3 December 2024 4pm 16 December (first time applicants only) 4:00pm 16 January 2025 1 May 2025 Approximately 12 weeks after round closing date
  • Aboriginal Arts
  • Arts and Creative Business Development
  • Creative Development
April 2025 9:00am 8 April 2025 4pm 29 April (first time applicants only) 4:00pm 15 May 2025 1 September 2025 Approximately 12 weeks after round closing date
  • Aboriginal Arts
  • Creative Development
  • Arts and Creative Business Development

Applicants to peer assessed programs will be notified of the outcome of their application approximately 12 weeks after the closing date. 

Funding overview

Closed, opening later

Opening 3 December 2024

Who can apply

Amount available

  • Creative Development: Between $5000 and $80,000
  • Arts and Creative Business Development: Between $5000 and $80,000
  • Aboriginal Arts: Between $5000 and $80,000


You must read the guidelines before submitting an application as they provide essential information.

Arts Projects for Individuals and Groups guidelines

Successful applications


Page reviewed 28 June 2024