Effective date: 29 May 2024
Last amended: May 2024
Next review: May 2027
This Policy is designed to provide information in regard to the subject matter covered, and with the understanding that the Gaming and Wagering Commission is not passing legal opinion or interpretation or other professional advice. The information is
provided on the understanding that all persons undertake responsibility for assessing the relevance and accuracy of its contents.
This policy provides guidance to determine whether a game played on an electronic gaming machine (EGM) that is not a poker machine is authorised for use at the Casino. EGMs that are poker machines, including what are known as fruit machines or similar,
are prohibited in Western Australia. 1, 2
EGM requirements
It is the Commission's view that approved EGMs that are not poker machines must:
- not be a derivative of a poker machine
- have a minimum Return to Player percentage of 90%; and
- have some form of player interaction.
To ensure that these guiding principles are properly applied, the Commission may refer to the following EGM characteristics when differentiating between authorized EGMs and EGMs that are poker machines. The following are based off the Western Australian
Appendix to the Gaming Machine National Standard NS11.1 and are defining requirements for EGMs that are not poker machines:
1. Appearance:
- the game does not use a spinning reel display
- the game does not have a handle; and
- symbols rotate in their own plane.
2. Speed of play:
i. shall exceed:
a) 3 seconds, where the game incorporates an Unpaid Game Feature(s)3;; or
b) 5 seconds, where the game incorporates no Unpaid Game Feature(s).
ii. In all cases,
games shall not incorporate any form of auto play feature.
3. Player interaction:
- the player is required to interact to choose a strategy; and
- the start of gaming is initiated by a separate button depression.
4. Return to player:
- EGMs in Australia are required to have an expected Return to Player percentage
ii. in Western Australia, the minimum Return to Player percentage in 90%
iii. however, this does not mean that any individual player can expect to see a return of 90% on any spin – or even on many spins over time
iv. the Return to Player percentage is a long-term average, based on mathematical probability over millions of spins.
5. Symbols:
i. The following symbols are acceptable (on the basis that they are symbols that appear in games played in casinos):
- card
- dice
- ball (keno, bingo and arishinko); and
- otherwise as approved by the Commission.
6. Fairness:
The player must be able to:
- determine how to play the game
- determine all prizes won
- not be mislead about amount of control of pre-determined events and probability of winning a prize
- have the same probability of winning a prize for games that simulate real table games as if the game portrayed is played live (such as Keno).
7. Rules of play:
- Rules of play are approved by the Commission and available to patrons.
8. Misleading features:
- the game must be consistent and not misleading in its operation
- perceptions of control or near miss displays are not permitted.
9. Harm minimisation:
- all monies to credit meter
- start of gaming initiated by a separate button depression.
10. National Standards
i. Compliance with WA appendix of National Standards in respect to non-spinning reel games.
11. Chances of winning:
- The minimum return to player as specified in the National Standard does not apply to EGMs that replicate non-EGM casino games (such as Keno). The EGM replication must have the same probability of outcome as the non-EGM casino game,
including all the betting alternatives offered for the non-EGM game.
12. Win truncation
i. All wins must be paid according to the pay table for that wager and should not be truncated to the maximum win permitted on that EGM if the winnings were to exceed the maximum win permitted.
- Gaming and Wagering Commission Act 1987 (WA), s85(1).
- Casino Control Act 1984 (WA), s22(1).
- Unpaid Game Feature means any additional game function which does not form part of the base game, but allows extra credits to be won, and is awarded to the player at no cost. An Unpaid Game Feature may take the form of free games,
a bonus prize and/or jackpot prize feature, or some other form of second screen game feature.