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Effective date: 25 August 2015
Last amended: 2 August 2019
Next review: August  2021


This policy is designed to provide information regarding the subject matter covered, and with the understanding that the Gaming and Wagering Commission is not passing legal opinion or interpretation or other professional advice. The information is provided on the understanding that all persons undertake responsibility for assessing the relevance and accuracy of its contents.


The purpose of this policy is to provide guidance to Casino Employees, Gaming Suppliers, Gaming Operators, Bookmakers, Bookmaker Managers, Bookmaker Employees and RWWA Key Employees in relation to the probity requirements for applications to be considered by the Gaming and Wagering Commission (the commission).

Legislative basis

Casino employees

Regulation 7 of the Casino Control (Burswood Island) (Licensing of Employees) Regulations 1985 requires that the Chief Casino Officer shall consider an application and make an assessment of the suitability of an applicant to be employed or work in the casino.

Gaming suppliers

Section 88(5) of the Gaming and Wagering Commission Act 1987 (the GWC Act) sets out that in determining whether to issue a certificate, the commission shall have regard to whether the applicant is a fit and proper person.

Gaming operators

Section 88(5) of the Gaming and Wagering Commission Act 1987 states that a certificate may be issued by the commission to any person who satisfies the commission that he/she is competent and a fit and proper person to perform the operation to which the certificate relates.


Section 11A, B and C of the Betting Control Act 1954 (the BC Act) requires that when determining whether to approve an application for a bookmaker’s licence, the commission shall be satisfied that the applicant is fit and proper and that no circumstances make it undesirable to grant a licence to the applicant entity.

Bookmaker managers and bookmaker employees

Section 11D of the BC Act requires that when determining whether  to approve an application for a bookmaker’s manager licence or a bookmaker’s employee licence, the commission shall be satisfied that the applicant is a fit and proper person and that no circumstances make it undesirable to grant a licence to that person.

RWWA directors and key employees

Regulations7 and 14 of the Racing and Wagering Western Australia Regulations 2003 require that the Commissioner of Police shall investigate and report to the commission on the suitability of an applicant to be employed as a director or key employee.


The commission will only obtain a probity report from the Western Australia Police for applications where the applicant is a person in a position of authority or control.  For applications requiring a national police certificate (NPC), this document cannot be more than 3 months old at the time of lodgement of the application. See Table 1 below for probity requirements.

The NPC is to be obtained by the applicant and lodged with the application.


Probity requirements
Application type National Police Clearance (NPC)
WA Police report (WAPOL)
Casino key employee Yes
Casino key employee renewal
Casino non-key employeeYes 
Casino non-key employee renewalYes 
Casino non-key security* 
Casino non-key security renewal* 
Gaming supplier Yes
Gaming supplier renewal Yes 
Gaming operatorYes 
Gaming operator renewal Yes 
Bookmaker Yes
Bookmaker managerYes 
Bookmaker manager renewal Yes 
Bookmaker employeeYes 
Bookmaker employee renewal Yes 
RWWA director/key employee Yes
RWWA director/key employee renewal Yes 

*Where a person lodges an application with the commission to become a Security Officer under the Casino Control (Burswood Island) (Licensing of Employees) Regulations 1985 and the applicant has already obtained a licence under the Security and Related Activities (Control) Act 1996, a further probity check pursuant to regulation 5 of the casino employee regulations will not be required (for either a casino employee or casino key employee licence application).  These applicants need to submit a copy of their current security licence with their application.  The commission’s policy - Licensing of Security Officers at Crown Perth (Casino Operator) refers.

Gaming and Wagering Commission of Western Australia

Page reviewed 03 September 2024