LG Alert
Australia mourns the passing of Elizabeth the Second, by the Grace of God Queen of Australia and Her other Realms and Territories, Head of the Commonwealth.
As a mark of mourning and respect, and in accordance with protocol, the Australian National Flag should be flown at half-mast immediately until further notice, where possible from all buildings and establishments occupied by Western Australian Government departments and affiliated agencies. Other organisations are encouraged to participate.
It is customary to fly the flag at half-mast from the time of the announcement of the death of The Sovereign until the day after the funeral, except on the day the accession of the new Sovereign is proclaimed. Further advice will be issued when details of the proclamation and funeral are confirmed.
In accordance with flag protocol, all flags and ensigns at each flag station should be flown at half-mast during daylight hours. Flags may be flown at half-mast overnight, provided they are illuminated.
Should it be the custom to fly the flags of other nations at your flag station, it would be appropriate to seek permission from the diplomatic representatives of that nation to half-mast their flag. Vice-Regal Standards are to remain at full-mast.
If further information is required, please contact Protocol and State Events on 61 8 6552 6333 or visit the Australian National Flag protocols page.
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