Standardised Meeting Procedures consultation

On 11 May 2023, Parliament passed the first tranche of reforms to the Local Government Act 1995 (the Act) to improve transparency and accountability of local governments statewide, and deliver a range of benefits for ratepayers and residents. 

The Department of Local Government, Sport and Cultural Industries (DLGSC) will seek feedback and undertake targeted consultation with the sector to help develop regulations and support materials before new changes take effect. 

Developing new regulations

New state-wide regulations are proposed to standardise meeting procedures for all WA local governments, enacted under section 5.33A of the Local Government Amendment Act 2023.

The new regulations will replace existing local government meeting procedures, standing orders or council meeting local laws.

Existing requirements of Parts 2 and 3 of the Local Government (Administration) Regulations 1996 (the Regulations) will be incorporated into the model meeting procedures.


Having a consistent approach to local government council and committee meetings will:

  • make it easier for people to understand, participate and observe council meetings, wherever they are in WA
  • provide consistent rules on how meetings are held
  • simplify and improve training for council members and local government staff
  • strengthen the ability of local governments to act on clear breaches of meeting procedures (for instance, if a person repeatedly and unreasonably disrupts a meeting). 

Have your say

This consultation has now closed. 

A 3-month consultation was held to allow local governments, council members, chief executive officers (CEOs), local government employees and members of the community to provide feedback on the proposed regulations

The consultation closed on Friday 7 June 2024.

Contact us

If you have any questions about the consultation or would like to provide feedback in an alternative format, please email the local government reform team at

Page reviewed 07 June 2024