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LG Alert

The amendments have been introduced to improve access to parking for people living with disability by improving parking compliance and strengthening enforcement.
The amendments make changes to the Local Government (Parking for People with Disabilities) Regulations (2014) and were gazetted on 24 April 2020, taking effect the following day.
To strengthen the ability of local governments to manage illegal parking in ACROD bays and improve parking access for ACROD permit holders, penalties for parking illegally have been increased. This will act as a greater deterrent to illegal parking in ACROD bays and raise community awareness about the importance of parking accessibility for people living with disability.
The new provisions amend the fines and court-imposed penalties for the following offences:
  • a person who displays a disability parking permit if they are not a valid ACROD permit holder;
  • a person who parks in a disability parking (ACROD) bay if they are not authorised to do so; and
  • a person who identifies an area as a (disability) permit parking area without the consent of the local government.
The penalty for these offences is increased from a court-imposed fine of $2,000 to $5,000. The modified penalties for these offences are increased from $300 to $500.
Local governments monitor compliance of the Local Government (Parking for People with Disabilities) Regulations 2014 in public places.
In addition, many local governments are establishing parking agreements with private car park owners to facilitate improved monitoring and compliance on land used by the public, such as shopping centres and hospitals.
A template agreement has been developed in consultation with the Town of Claremont and is available on the Department of Local Government, Sport and Cultural Industries’ website at:
If you have any questions, please contact the department at:


Yours sincerely


Hon David Templeman MLA

Minister for Local Government; Heritage; Culture and the Arts



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Page reviewed 27 February 2023