Chair's Report
Following on from the incredible work that was done by local, state and Commonwealth governments during the first year of the COVID pandemic in 2020, the Local Government Advisory Board (the Board) would like to acknowledge the ongoing efforts of
local governments to continue to consolidate and strengthen our West Australian communities in 2021.
As 2021 is a local government election year, the Board has assessed 20 ward and representation reviews – giving individual local governments the opportunity to consider their current (and future) district structures. It also provides the opportunity to make appropriate changes as discussed with their local communities and agreed to by council. Completing these reviews is an effective way of undertaking community engagement and demonstrating appropriate and fair principles of local democracy.
As a result of the reviews, seven local governments resolved to maintain their status quo. The remaining 13 have made changes to either abolish or amend their ward boundaries and/or to decrease councillor numbers. The Minister for Local Government approved all the Board’s recommendations that were made in relation to the individual council proposals. The Board would like to acknowledge the work done and to thank those local governments that submitted reviews for consideration. All these changes will be implemented ahead of the October 2021 local government elections.
In recent years, the Board has seen a state-wide trend for local governments to reduce their number of elected members – particularly in smaller districts where the population is less than 5,000. Many local governments have found that having fewer elected members has improved their decision making process. As well, reducing councillor numbers has a positive financial effect – with savings realised in overall councillor attendance fees.
Four positions on the Board become vacant in 2021 – so there may be some renewal in those positions by the time this Annual Report is published after 31 August, when those current terms of appointment come to an end.
On 19 March 2021, the Hon John Carey MLA was sworn in as the new Minister for Local Government, following the state election earlier in the month. The Board would like to congratulate Minister Carey on his appointment – and looks forward to continuing to work cooperatively with him, as has been the case with previous Local Government Ministers.
As always, I express my sincere appreciation to the members and deputies for their contribution to the ongoing operations of the Board. Their depth of knowledge and experience delivers a professional and independent approach to the decision-making process, which ultimately benefits the local government sector. I would particularly like to thank Cr Karen Chappel, who will be leaving the Board in August, after 10 years of commitment and service. Her experience and dedication will be very much missed.
I would also like to thank our executive staff, Julie Knight, Shannon Wood and Julie Craig, who provided great support to the Board in 2020-21. Your assistance helps us to operate in an efficient and effective manner. I look forward to the Board continuing its excellent work this coming year.
Marion Blair OAM
Local Government Advisory Board
31 August 2021