Chair's Report
The Local Government Advisory Board (the Board) would like to acknowledge the ongoing efforts of local governments to continue to consolidate and strengthen our Western Australian communities in 2022. This follows the outstanding work that was done
by Local, State and Commonwealth Governments during the first two years of the COVID pandemic in 2020 and 2021.
The Board also recognises the ongoing challenges faced by local governments – which highlight the importance of maintaining the close relationships between them and their communities – as we continue to experience the effects of the pandemic, and other issues that may be associated with cost-of-living increases in Western Australia.
For the sector, the first half of the financial year included the October 2021 local government ordinary elections.
In preparing for the elections, many councils conducted ward and representation reviews to ensure a balanced ratio of councillors to electors, and to ensure that the number of councillors provides reasonable, fair and appropriate representation for the size of their district.
Ahead of the 2021 ordinary elections, the Board assessed 20 individual ward and representation reviews – with the Minister for Local Government approving all of the Board’s recommendations. The Board would like to acknowledge and thank those local governments that submitted reviews for consideration.
As a result of the reviews, seven local governments resolved to maintain their status quo. The remaining 13 made changes to either abolish or amend their ward boundaries and/or to decrease councillor numbers.
In recent years, the Board has seen a state-wide trend for local governments to reduce their number of elected members – particularly in smaller districts where the population is less than 5,000. Many local governments have found that having fewer elected members has improved their decision making process. There can also be an associated positive financial effect – an example being savings realised in overall councillor attendance fees.
Since the 2021 ordinary elections, the Board has assessed two further reviews – where any approved changes are anticipated to be implemented ahead of the next local government elections scheduled for 2023.
I would like to acknowledge the continued focus of the Department of Local Government, Sport and Cultural Industries (DLGSC) in its work relating to local government reform, which is a significant undertaking. Proposed changes to the Local Government Act and Regulations will provide for a stronger, more consistent framework for local governments across Western Australia. The reform proposals have been designed to deliver significant benefits for residents and ratepayers, small business, industry, elected members and professionals working in the sector.
As I was appointed to the position of Board Chair in October 2021, I would like to publicly acknowledge the work of the previous Chair, Ms Marion Blair OAM, whose term finished in August 2021, after three years in the role. Sincere thanks go to
Marion for her dedication and commitment to the Board as well as to Cr Karen Chappel, Ms Narrell Lethorn and Mayor Dennis Wellington whose roles as members or deputy members also concluded in 2021. The experience that those from both the local
government sector and the DLGSC bring to the Board is always greatly valued.
I would like to express my genuine appreciation to the current Board members and deputies for their contributions and support throughout my first year as the Chair. They always deliver a professional, knowledgeable, energetic and independent approach to the decision making process, which ultimately benefits the local government sector and the community.
I would also like to thank our executive staff, Shannon Wood and Julie Craig, who provided great support to the Board throughout the year. Their deep knowledge, assistance and “can do” attitude helps us to operate in an efficient and effective
manner. I look forward to the Board continuing its important work over the coming year.
Dan Bull
Local Government Advisory Board
31 August 2022