The local government portfolio area contributes to this vision by supporting and enabling a robust local government sector to achieve positive outcomes for communities in Western Australia.
Strategic priorities
Timeframe | 1.Deliver a streamlined and contemporary Legislative framework by reforming the Local Government Act and other relevant legislation. | 2. Develop the supporting environment and provide local governments with the tools to build a transparent, robust, and innovative sector. | 3. Deliver on our current commitments of existing projects and programs of reform. |
Short term  Long term | - 1.1 Finalise agreement on the Local Government reform package.
- 1.2 Finalise reforms and implementation of the new legislation for a centralised system of registration (Dog and Cat breeders).
- 1.3 Introduce legislation to ensure the appropriate regulation and recognition of park homes in Western Australia.
- 1.4 Introduce a contemporary legislative framework based on the recommendations from the review the Local Government Act.
- 1.5 Standardise and streamline local government policies, laws, and procedures; and develop model laws to support local governments.
- 1.6 Introduce contemporary legislative framework for cemeteries and cremations in Western Australia.
| - 2.1 Develop and rollout relevant and useful online material to assist the local government sector.
- 2.2 Introduce a risk based approach to inform where support within the local government sector is needed.
- 2.3 Develop an ‘early intervention’ model of support for local governments.
- 2.4 Develop a scalable financial reporting framework and introduce model financial statements.
- 2.5 Support local governments to introduce livestreaming of council meetings across all councils.
- 2.6 Encourage and support excellence and innovation through the Better Practice Reviews (BPR).
- 2.7 Develop and implement a strategy to work with peak bodies to support and retain good councillors.
- 2.8 Work with sector stakeholders to introduce one standardised benchmarking framework for local governments. Review and improve how this is reported through MyCouncil.
- 2.9 Develop an education and capacity building framework for local governments.
- 2.10 Revise approach and simplification of integrated Planning and Reporting (IPR).
| - 3.1 Finalise the Partners in Government Agreement and support implementation of agreed outcomes.
- 3.2 Deliver election commitments, and implement recommendations from OAG and authorised inquiries.
- 3.3 Implement changes to local government legislation and policy under the second tranche of planning reform.
- 3.4 Establish a centralised system for dog and cat registrations.
- 3.5 Implement Off Road Vehicle legislation and reforms.
- 3.6 Deliver a short stay accommodation database for Western Australia.
Enablers to achieve priorities
- Develop an engagement plan for working in partnership with the local government sector.
- Build internal capability and capacity to work in different ways and support the sector.
- Actively engage and work in partnership with other areas of DLGSC to identify new opportunities.
- Deliver high quality reporting for the local government sector.
- Leverage data to track and monitor progress within the sector.
Foundations of core business
- Develop policy and legislation; and process statutory applications.
- Provide advice and guidance to the local government sector.
- Address public enquires and complaints; investigate and support investigations.
- Partner with stakeholders to deliver grants, programs and election commitments.
- Ensure compliance with local government legislation.
- Provide executive support to WA Local Government Grants Commission and Advisory Board.