A strategic approach for the development of our industry.
Minister’s Foreword
Western Australian motorsport is underpinned by a passionate and
enthusiastic industry which has driven the development of the sector
over the last century.
The foundations of track-based motorsport in Western Australia are
firmly embedded in the people and clubs whose dedication to the sport
has shaped its culture and popularity throughout the State. For many, it
is a way of life.
Recognising the importance of the industry’s community-level,
grassroots base was a critical starting point in developing the WA
Motorsport Strategy.
Early on, it became clear that any work to develop the industry must be driven by those who live and breathe the sport.
While the successful development of the local industry has the
potential to provide important jobs, tourism and other economic benefits
to Western Australia, the initial focus must be firmly on the sector
itself and its vision for the future.
To this end, it was determined that the first pillar of the strategy
would be the establishment of an industry working group, representing
all the major stakeholders who propel motorsport in WA. The State
Government has an important role to play—not in leading motorsport’s
development, but in empowering local participants, clubs and operators
to take hold of their industry’s future.
It is recognised that infrastructure and track issues will dominate
conversations about the industry’s needs, with the strategy calling for
the creation of a framework to guide future investment in the State’s
venues and facilities.
Best-practice regulatory guidelines to improve safety and governance
must also be developed, and we will work to coordinate and improve
pathways at the sport’s key venues.
Finally, the strategy calls for the creation of a dedicated events
and tourism strategy to leverage the industry’s benefits and grow the
sport beyond its dedicated base.
The State Government is committed to helping the industry implement
these initiatives — with the ultimate goal of empowering WA motorsport
to drive its own future.
Hon Mick Murray MLA
Minister for Sport and Recreation
Motorsport holds a significant place in Western Australia’s sporting
landscape, providing a recreational outlet for participants and fans,
and an important contribution to the State’s economy, local jobs and the
prosperity of a number of WA communities.
WA motorsport is primarily industry-driven by a passionate and
enthusiastic motorsports sector which includes participants, clubs, user
groups, commercial businesses, track operators, track owners, events
providers, other professional teams, and allied industries.
The three main regulatory bodies involved in developing bitumen-based
motorsport in WA are the Confederation of Australian Motor Sport Ltd
(CAMS), the Australian National Drag Racing Association Inc. (ANDRA) and
Motorcycling Australia Ltd (MA).
The State Government provides some funding assistance to motorsport,
but does not play a regulatory role in the industry. In a small number
of cases, it owns the land on which motorsport facilities are located,
though local government has a more significant presence in this space.
The WA Motorsport Strategy (the Strategy) has been developed in
consultation with the motorsports industry, bitumen based motorsport
facility operators, and other key motorsports stakeholders to assist
with the ongoing development of a successful motorsport industry in WA.
It provides initiatives to meet motorsport’s current and anticipated
future requirements and address risks raised by the industry.
The Strategy provides a framework for the motorsport industry to
safely and sustainably develop the sport in order to benefit the
industry and the wider Western Australian community.
The motorsport industry and State Government aim to:
- facilitate increased participation in all motorsport disciplines
to give more people an opportunity to participate in, and experience,
- develop the WA motorsport industry’s potential to host national and international motorsport events;
- develop the appropriate mix of complementary infrastructure and
supporting facilities in Perth and regional WA, using evidence-based
assessments of future requirements. This will provide for driver and
rider experience and development; state, national and international
competition; community development; and the delivery of a range of
offerings across different motorsport disciplines;
- ensure motorsport’s continued contribution to WA’s economic
diversity, helping to boost job creation and tourism through
motorsport-based activities and events;
- provide for the industry’s continued self-regulation through the development and implementation of best practice guidelines; and
- encourage and consolidate a culture of safety, quality and
continuous improvement within the industry, track operators, event
providers and other industry organisations.
Pillars for success
1. Establish a representative industry working group to develop motorsport in Western Australia
It is recommended that a representative industry working group be
established to lead the development of motorsport in WA. The working
group would be an advocacy group to represent the interests of
motorsport to government, investors and other stakeholders. It is not
intended to be a decision-making body.
The proposed working group’s terms of reference would clearly define
its roles and responsibilities. The terms of reference are likely to
require the working group to:
- work collaboratively with each other and other stakeholders such
as the State Government and the Motor Trades Association of WA to
maximise the potential of the motorsport industry;
- align the strategies of national sporting associations, state
sporting associations and other representative groups for the broader
development of motorsport;
- advocate for investment to develop service industry support for
current and future bitumen-based racing circuits and associated
- advise government on key issues facing the motorsport industry;
- develop a mechanism to allow the community to access comprehensive information on motorsport activities in WA;
- represent the industry in the development of best practice guidelines, licensing and accreditation requirements (Pillar 2);
- inform, review and endorse a future policy framework on behalf of the representative bodies (Pillar 3);
- produce a motorsport development pathway aligned with WA’s priorities (Pillar 4);
- develop a coordinated motorsport events strategy for WA, and
plan to maximise commercial opportunities and economic returns to the
motorsport industry and WA (Pillar 5);
- review the current volunteer system, identifying gaps and
proposing options to improve volunteer development and management to
ensure coordinated and professional resources are available to support
events, training and other activities; and
- develop performance measures to report progress against the outcomes identified in each of the pillars for success.
The membership of the proposed working group would include representatives of industry and
organisations responsible for the development, operation and safety of the sport.
Additional members could be invited into the working group as required—for example, local
governments with motorsport infrastructure within their boundaries (City of Wanneroo, City of
Kwinana, Shire of Collie and potentially, the City of Albany and Shire of Serpentine Jarrahdale) and
other bitumen-based race track operators endorsed by the working group.
It is proposed that, initially, the State Government (through the Department of Local Government,
Sport and Cultural Industries) would facilitate the establishment of the working group. The department
would assist in the development of the terms of reference and the identification and appointment of
The industry would take carriage of the working group in 2020.
2. The motorsport industry develops best practice guidelines
The representative industry working group should develop best practice guidelines for the broader
motorsport industry, including owners, venue operators, governing bodies, licensing and sanctioning
bodies, and race operators, in relation to:
- governance;
- management and operations;
- risk identification and mitigation;
- safety measures; and
- open, fair and equitable access.
It is proposed that, where a venue is subject to a lease between a local government and venue
operator, the lease should include clauses that address:
- licensing and sanctioning of the track and events;
- governance and management arrangements for the venue;
- the provision of fair and equitable access to the venue for all users;
- asset planning and reinvestment;
- risk management; and
- frameworks for the reporting of accidents and incidents, and continuous improvement.
3. Develop an infrastructure
framework to support the retention, development and future growth of
motorsport in Western Australia
The appropriate level of infrastructure and activities at a given site should be identified through the
development of master plans.
Master plans should be prepared for each site and incorporate environmental, heritage, water
management and traffic management requirements.
It is proposed that areas for motorsport use and development of motorsport activities be located
within an appropriate buffer zone and protected from encroachment from incompatible land uses.
For each of the sites in Table 1, consideration should be given to the listed infrastructure, potentially in
a staged development process.
Table 1: Key infrastructure considerations for motorsport venues
Venue | Key infrastructure considerations |
Albany Motorplex | - Finalise the current planning process.
- Determine the cost of mitigation measures to address environmental issues
associated with the Down Road site. - Develop a business case for a regional level bitumen race track facility and
motocross complex. - Determine the scope of the infrastructure to be developed and the
associated stages of implementation to reflect the main functions.
Collie Motorplex | - Initial master plan has been developed and investment prioritised against the
component parts of the plan. - The Shire of Collie and Motoring South West to continue development of the
business plan. - The Shire of Collie, in partnership with Motoring South West, continue to
seek funding for further development. - Establish a sinking fund for asset maintenance and upgrades to facility
infrastructure to meet community expectations. - Ensure development aligns to the motorsport development pathway and the
State Government’s regional development objectives for the Collie region.
Kalgoorlie* | - Undertake planning in consultation with local clubs and stakeholders to
identify and prioritise upgrades to existing infrastructure.
Keysbrook | - Finalise the current planning process.
- Subject to planning approval, the proponents develop Stage 1 of the
complex. - The development of a second stage will be subject to resolution of road
infrastructure upgrade requirements.
Perth (Kwinana) Motorplex | - Secure the sale of the complex and/or management rights.
- Work with the new operator to ensure motorsport outcomes are consistent
with the Strategy.
Wanneroo (Barbagallo) Raceway | - Subject to the outcome of the development application and subsequent
development of the Keysbrook proposal. - Potentially secure land to the north of the existing circuit to extend the
current track. - Re-align built infrastructure to incorporate a second track as the State’s
primary venue. - Over the longer term, rationalise existing infrastructure.
* Facilities in Kalgoorlie are non-bitumen based.
4. Develop a motorsport pathway within key venues
It is recommended that, in consultation with venue operators, the
representative industry working group should take responsibility for the
development and implementation of motorsport pathways within key
Table 2: Current and future venue functionality
Venue | Key infrastructure considerations |
Albany Motorplex | - Advanced rider and driver training—to facilitate club and community
motorsport developmental opportunities and rider and driver training, and to provide for occasional national and state level events (subject to development application approval).
Collie Motorplex | - Advanced rider and driver training—to facilitate club and community
motorsport developmental opportunities and rider and driver training, and to provide for occasional national/international and state level events.
Kalgoorlie* | - Undertake planning in consultation with local clubs and stakeholders to
identify and prioritise upgrades to existing infrastructure.
Keysbrook | - Advanced rider and driver training—to facilitate competition focused on
sporting cars and as a regional or, potentially, state level motorcycling venue (subject to development application approval).
Perth (Kwinana) Motorplex | - Advanced rider and driver training—local, state and national competition
Wanneroo (Barbagallo) Raceway | - Advanced rider and driver training—to facilitate club and community
motorsport developmental opportunities and to provide for all bitumen-based rider and driver training and competition—ranging from local through to state, national and international competition.
5. Align motorsport events with sports development and broader tourism objectives
An events strategy for motorsport, aligned to WA’s broader tourism
and sport strategies, should be developed to facilitate ongoing
development of the industry.
It is proposed that the working group and other stakeholders work
collaboratively on the development of an events strategy for motorsport
which focuses on:
- identifying and promoting the sports development, social value and community benefits associated with events;
- promoting and assisting in the development of the sport (for example, through hosting age nationals and state championships);
- attracting motorsport activity aligned to broader tourism
objectives and those of the peak motorsport bodies, in consultation with
the track operators; and
- attracting motorsport events which have been analysed from an
economic and profile perspective, and which are underpinned by the
tourism industry.
Implementation plan
The successful implementation of the Strategy depends upon support
and commitment from the State Government — through the Department of
Local Government, Sport and Cultural Industries — and the motorsport
industry, including participants, officials and non-participating club
Table 3: Implementation plan, timeframes and responsibilities
1. Establish a representative industry working group to develop motorsport in Western Australia
Third quarter
- Department of Local Government, Sport and Cultural Industries
- Confederation of Australian Motor Sport
- Motorcycling WA
2. The motorsport industry develops best practice guidelines
Mid 2020
- Department of Local Government, Sport and Cultural Industries
- Representative industry working group
3. Develop an infrastructure
framework to support the
retention, development and
future growth of motorsport
in Western Australia
End 2020
- Department of Local Government, Sport and Cultural Industries
- Representative industry working group
4. Develop a motorsport pathway within key venues
End 2020
- Representative industry working group
5. Align motorsport events with sports development and broader tourism objectives
End 2020
- Representative industry working group
- Department of Local Government, Sport and Cultural Industries