Western Australian Local Government Grants Commission 2021-22 Annual Report

Annual report: For the year ending 31 August 2022

Acting Chair’s Report

I am pleased to present the 2022 Annual Report of the Western Australian Local Government Grants Commission (Commission).

The Commission is a statutory body established under the Local Government Grants Act 1978. Its principal function is to make recommendations to the  Minister for Local Government regarding the allocation of Commonwealth financial assistance grants to WA’s 137 local governments.

Over the past 12 months, the Commission visited 26 local governments and I would  like to thank them all for their willingness to engage in public hearings regarding the grant methodology, which determines the amount of funding allocated to each  individual local government. These hearings also allow the Commission to understand local government needs and challenges which in turn shape the grants methodology.  I strongly believe that having the opportunity to meet local governments in their own environment provides greater context to the Commission’s own deliberations and  considerations of matters.

The National Grants Commission Conference for Chairs and Executive Officers was held in November 2021 and was hosted by the NSW Grants Commission. As a  departure from the usual in-person meeting, the conference was held online, as pandemic border restrictions and lockdowns were still in place at that time, for most of  the jurisdictions. This bi-annual conference always provides a great opportunity for all participants to discuss best practice examples and major projects that each state may  be working on. 

The Commission approved and submitted its Financial Assistance Grant  recommendations to the State and Commonwealth Ministers at the end of July 2022. These were approved with local governments receiving their first payments in  mid-August. I thank all the Commission members for their involvement in the grant calculations and the dedication they demonstrated to their roles over the past 12  months.

The Commission began a full review of the Financial Assistance Grants methodology in 2020-21 and continued it into the 2021-22 year. Its aim is to examine the cost  adjustors, and the expenditure and revenue standards. To support the review, local governments provided valuable feedback via a voluntary survey and their annual  information return.

With the end of this reporting period, I note that the current appointment process is  ongoing and would like to take this opportunity to personally recognise and thank our longest serving member who is up for reappointment, Dr Wendy Giles. Wendy has  been a dedicated Commission member for six years and has contributed to many reviews and discussions each year as part of allocating funds to local governments.  The local government experience, dedication, and professionalism that she brought to the Commission was appreciated.

I would also like to recognise Cr Deborah Botica as well, who as a deputy I did not  have the opportunity to work with but appreciate her willingness to be part of the Commission for the last six years. 

Lastly, I advise that this year marks the end of Hon. Fred Riebeling AM tenure as Chair  of the Commission, a role that he has held since 2019. It has been an honour to work and travel with him over the past three years. I thank him for his dedication to the role  and continued effort to make a difference for Western Australian local governments. Finally, I would like to acknowledge the staff support of the Commission, so we  are able to operate in an efficient and effective manner. To Shannon Wood, Chloe Papasergio, Natalie Berriman, Chris Berry, and others who have assisted during  the past year, we appreciate the commitment and professionalism you continue to demonstrate, to always ensure that the Commission continues its important work within  the sector. The Commission noted with sadness the passing of former Commission member  Peter Campbell, a former Mayor of the City of South Perth. If you have any questions regarding the Commission, I encourage you to contact the  staff at any time.

Luke Stevens
Acting Chair
WA Local Government Grants Commission
Page reviewed 8 Jan 2025