Assistance for applicants
Grants Officers are available via telephone and email to answer queries about the process and suitability of activities to specific programs.
If you need extra assistance due to disability, language barriers or any other factor that may disadvantage you in completing your application, please contact us.
The advice provided by Grants Officers does not guarantee the success of your application.
Due to the high number of applications received, each funding round is highly competitive.
All applications are considered on their own merits and against the assessment criteria and program objectives.
Assistance for people with disability
The department is committed to supporting applicants with disability. Information can be provided in alternative formats (large print, electronic or Braille) upon request.
If you require special assistance in preparing your application, please call 61 8 6552 7400 or toll free for regional WA callers on 1800 634 541.
Family, friends, mentors and/or carers can attend meetings with you.
If you are deaf or have a hearing or speech impairment, please contact us through one of the following:
- National Relay Service (NRS) then ask for 1800 634 541
- Internet Relay Calls
- Captioned Relay Calls
- TTY users phone 133 677 then ask for 1800 634 541
- Speak and Listen users phone 1800 555 727 ask for 1800 634 541.
Interpreting assistance
For interpreting assistance in languages other than English, telephone the Translation and Interpreting Service on 13 14 50 and ask for a connection to 61 8 6552 7400 or 1800 634 541.
Contact us
Grants Officers
For enquires relating to this funding program, including advice or assistance with your application, contact a Grants Officer:
Telephone 61 8 6552 7400
Toll Free (Country WA callers only) 1800 634 541