As noted in the table, the annual registration fee for dogs kept in an approved kennel establishment is $200. If working dogs are kept at the approved kennel establishment, the working dog concession is applied and, therefore, the discounted registration
fee is $50.
The registration fee applies to the first working dog registered at the approved kennel establishment. For each subsequent dog registered that is kept at the approved kennel establishment, subject to compliance with any conditions imposed on the applicable
licence, there would be no further registration fee payable.
This registration fee is subject to an annual renewal, in line with the duration of the approved kennel establishment licence.
Applicants must submit a registration application to claim the annual working dog concession and satisfy the local government at least one dog within the approved kennel establishment is a bona fide working dog. The working dog concession cannot
be applied automatically, or subsequently applied to dogs individually registered before the kennel licence was issued.