DLGSC Recreation Camps do not have a catering licence covering the sale or supply of alcoholic beverages. As a result, alcohol is not permitted at DLGSC Recreation Camps unless written approval has been provided by the camp manager (or delegate) to the client.
Written consent
Consent will only be provided where:
- an Application for Alcohol Consumption form is lodged no less than 10 business days before the arrival date
- a group nominee is appointed as the responsible delegate for the event
- the client will only serve alcohol with a meal and consume it in a designated area
- the client endorses harm minimisation strategies in the consumption of alcohol
- there is no financial transaction relating to the provision of alcohol
- alcohol is not for sale on site
- a security bond is provided where requested
- where alcohol is being served, guests are encouraged to consume it in moderation
- security staff are provided where appropriate to control site access to the venue and monitor guest behaviour to the satisfaction of camp management at the group’s expense
- Responsible Service of Alcohol staff are provided by DLGSC Recreation Camps at required ratios as deemed necessary by camp management at the group’s expense.
Consent will not be provided where:
- school groups or underage sporting groups are impacted
- alcohol is intended to be sold
- camp management believes the quantity and type of alcohol available for the event is likely to cause harm to guests and potentially impact the security of the site.
Guests should only consume alcohol in moderation. We believe it is essential to create a greater awareness of harm minimisation and contribute to the reduction of alcohol-related problems such as drink driving and aggressive/anti-social behaviour.
Guests at DLGSC Recreation Camps will achieve this objective by:
- prohibiting the service of alcohol to all persons under the age of 18 years
- refusing alcohol to persons believed to be approaching an intoxicated state
- encouraging harm minimisation strategies by promoting and encouraging consumption of low/no alcohol beverages
- encouraging a mature approach to alcohol consumption
- actively promoting initiatives to prevent drink driving to safeguard guests’ wellbeing
- requiring group leaders to appoint a nominee to take a proactive role in ensuring the wellbeing of your group.