Perth Cultural Centre rejuvenation

An exciting new future for Perth’s ‘epicentre of culture’.


Project background

As part of the $1.5 billion Perth City Deal, $35 million has been allocated to the rejuvenation of the Perth Cultural Centre (PCC) with the Australian Government contributing $10 million and the State Government committing $25 million.

This investment will revitalise the Perth Cultural Centre precinct to create vibrant, safe and attractive spaces connecting Perth’s cultural institutions and the surrounds, delivering improved liveability, cultural and tourism outcomes for the city.

The rejuvenation project will include:

  • a new heart and focal point where community and visitors can come together in a shaded, accessible, event ready and child friendly space
  • removing the amphitheatre to create a much more accessible, shaded connection between James and Beaufort Streets
  • spaces east of the Art Gallery along Beaufort Street will be opened up and new opportunities for visitors will be made available.

Who is involved

Following the initial guidance of the master planning stage by the Cultural Precinct Taskforce, a steering committee has been formed to see the project through its future stages. The steering committee is chaired by the Department of Local Government, Sport and Cultural Industries, and is comprised of key representatives from:

To progress the project from a conceptual master plan to a final design, COX Architects were recently engaged to lead the schematic and detailed design stages before the release of a public tender for the construction stage.

Engagement process

Early engagement with a wide range of stakeholders and community assisted with the finalisation of the master plan. The project objectives, visioning statements and ‘key moves’ will continue to guide the project through future stages of its development.

Members of the steering committee (and former taskforce members) will be engaged throughout the design and construction stages of the project. Other key government agencies, PCC institutions and major surrounding attractions, a Whadjuk Elder Reference Group, the arts sector, local businesses and community groups will also continue to be engaged.

Project information 

To support the rejuvenation project, a series of objectives and ‘key moves’ were agreed to guide its development, as shown below.


  • Improve access and connectivity to, from and within the PCC.
  • Enhance amenity of the PCC.
  • Deliver new attractions within the PCC.
  • Enhance the representation of Aboriginal culture and the arts in the PCC.
  • Prepare and position for growing interest in the PCC.
  • Improve the use of underutilised sites in the PCC.

Key moves

  1. connect to the city and beyond
  2. form a 'central heart'
  3. reinforce James Street as a formal promenade
  4. reimagine north/south as a series of gardens
  5. open the buildings up to the public realm
  6. develop underutilised sites.

Next steps

Early June 2023 marked a project milestone for the PCC rejuvenation project with the request for a main construction contractor released on Tenders WA.

This formal market engagement signals completion of the early planning phase. Over the last 18 months there has been ongoing, constructive and meaningful engagement with a wide range of stakeholders to help develop and design the vision for the project.

Construction is expected to commence 2024, with cultural institutions remaining open during the construction period and accessible as much as possible.

Register your interest

If you are interested in project updates, register your interest below. 

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Page reviewed 09 November 2023