Sport Integrity Australia Review of the WAIS Women's Artistic Gymnastics Program

On 22 April 2022, a review carried out by Sport Integrity Australia of the Western Australian Institute of Sport (WAIS) Women’s Artistic Gymnastics (WAG) Program found it reasonably likely that some gymnasts suffered abuse and/or harm while participating in the program. 

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Following the publication of the review’s final report, the Minister for Sport and Recreation directed the Department of Local Government, Sport and Cultural Industries (DLGSC) to consult with affected gymnasts to:

  • oversee and audit WAIS' compliance with implementation of the Sport Integrity Australia (SIA) review recommendations
  • facilitate a restorative and reconciliation process
  • undertake a comprehensive governance and culture review of WAIS.

In response to this direction, DLGSC has worked with the Office of the Commissioner for Victims of Crime within the Department of Justice, WAIS, and the former gymnasts to facilitate a meaningful Restorative and Reconciliatory Process.  

The State Government has also established a scheme to provide acknowledgement payments to eligible former WAIS WAG participants.

WAIS Restorative and Reconciliatory Process and Acknowledgement Payment Scheme

Restorative and Reconciliatory Process 

The Sport Integrity Australia report included 4 recommendations, which WAIS have committed to implementing. One of these recommendations was that WAIS should engage in a Restorative and Reconciliatory Process.

The Restorative and Reconciliatory Process provides participants the opportunity to describe the impact of the WAG Program on their lives and receive an apology. Nominated and trained members of the WAIS Board will deliver the apology facilitated by an independent mediator. This process is available to all WAG Program participants.

More information about the process can be found on the Department of Justice website

Acknowledgement Payment Scheme

The State Government has also established a scheme to provide an acknowledgement payment of $15,000 to former WAG gymnasts who experienced physical or emotional harm while competing or training to represent WAIS at a national championship level. Over the course of the program, these athletes were variably described as scholarship holders, elite or competition squad members, and trained or competed at a junior or senior international level.

The application process for the acknowledgement payment will be open from 29 May 2024 until 31 August 2024. Payments to eligible applicants will be made in September 2024. 

What support is available?

Participants in the Restorative and Reconciliatory Process and/or applicants to the Acknowledgement Payment Scheme can access 6 one-hour counselling sessions. This counselling is intended to support participants with any difficult thoughts or feelings that may arise.  

If you require immediate counselling support, 24-hour phone assistance is available through:  

If you experienced sexual abuse as a child while in the care of an institution, including WAIS, you can apply to the National Redress Scheme.

For more information on how to apply to the National Redress Scheme, please contact the child abuse support service knowmore or call 1800 605 762.

How can I find out more?

Information about the Restorative and Reconciliatory Process, the Acknowledgement Payment Scheme, and access to counselling support, is available on the Department of Justice website.

For more information about the DLGSC’s actions in response to the Sport Integrity Australia report, please contact or call 61 8 9492 9660. 

Athlete Safeguarding Governance and Culture Review of the Western Australian Institute of Sport

Background on this Review

Following the 2022 Sport Integrity Australia review, the Minister for Sport and Recreation directed DLGSC to conduct a review of WAIS’ safeguarding governance and culture.

The review

The Athlete Safeguarding Governance and Culture Review of WAIS commenced in November 2023.

DLGSC appointed KPMG Australia to perform the review, which will be conducted in accordance with the Terms of reference - Athlete Safeguarding Governance and Culture Review of the Western Australian Institute of Sport, agreed between DLGSC and WAIS.  

The review will consider governance and culture relating to athlete safeguarding, identify areas for improvement and make recommendations that will ensure WAIS is providing a safe and supportive environment for all athletes, now and in the future. 

It will also consider WAIS policies and procedures in relation to athlete safeguarding, governance, oversight, culture and complaints handling. 


Formal consultation concluded on 9 February 2024. KPMG is currently working to analyse the information collected and develop a final report.

Through the process of consultation, stakeholders were engaged in a range of ways, including cultural perception surveys, in-person and virtual consultation sessions, and focus groups. Eligible participants were current or former (within the past 5 years):

  • WAIS athletes, including children and young people
  • family members of a WAIS athlete including parents and guardians of athletes
  • WAIS coaching staff, support staff or member of the WAIS Board, executive, management, administration staff or medical staff.

    Next steps

    KPMG will provide a final report to DLGSC at the completion of the review.


    If you’d like to speak to KPMG or have any questions about your involvement in the review, please contact KPMG at

    For enquiries and further information regarding the review, please contact DLGSC at 

    Page reviewed 02 July 2024