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Stock image of a basketball on a court. Getty Images.

Local governments around Western Australia are to share $1.75m to help fund 27 sport and recreation infrastructure projects to support their communities.

The money is being made available in the latest round of the Community Sporting and Recreation Facilities Fund small grants program administered by the department.

The grants — which will leverage funding from local government and other sources — are expected to generate approximately $5 million in direct economic activity and will create around 40 jobs in the construction sector over the next 12 months.

The projects to be funded include:

  • $150,000 to reconstruct a basketball court at Kalumburu
  • $142,500 to build a unisex change room at Exmouth
  • $98,960 to refurbish change rooms at Willetton Reserve
  • $83,189 to build unisex changerooms at Manjimup
  • $60,967 for a synthetic green at Mount Lawley Bowling Club
  • $23,433 for a synthetic wicket and nets at Sir Ross McLarty Reserve in Pinjarra
  • $12,926 for a pool hoist at Albany Leisure and Aquatic Centre.

In late May, the State Government also announced it would fast-track $12 million in funding applications for community sport and recreation projects to expedite the projects and support Western Australia's economy as part of the COVID-19 recovery.


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Page reviewed 27 February 2023