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Female cricket batter hitting the ball
  • $1.45 million Des Penman Memorial Reserve refurbishment officially opened today.
  • Improvements include the construction of four unisex change rooms and the refurbishment of the clubrooms.

The reserve, located on Lemana Road, is home to the Nollamara Cricket Club and the Nollamara Football Club.

The project included the provision of four unisex change rooms which will improve capacity for men's and women's teams to use the facility at the same time.

The upgraded facilities will also accommodate the growing use of the facility by club members, and foster participation in football and cricket by girls and women who did not have access to adequate change room facilities prior to these upgrades.

The State Government contributed $400,000 to the upgrade through its Community Sporting and Recreation Facilities Fund administered by the department.

Other sources of funding for the project included:


Page reviewed 27 February 2023