COVID-19 Audience Outlook Monitor – WA Phase 3 report out now

The final report is now available, showing how Western Australian audiences felt in September 2020 about attending arts events again, compared to earlier in the year.
16 October 2020

The COVID-19 Audience Outlook Monitor provides artists and cultural organisations with insights into how audiences feel about attending arts events again, to assist in decision making around re-opening.

Results from Phase 3 were collected in September 2020 and have been aggregated in a freely available dashboard, along with results from Phase 1 and 2. 

The Western Australian data has been presented in a report available now on the Research Hub.

The results show that, in September 2020, 57% of past attendees have returned to cultural events, up from 33% in July 2020. 

The department is collaborating with research agencies Patternmakers (Sydney) and WolfBrown (USA) and five other government agencies across Australia to produce this resource.

Visit the Research Hub to access the Audience Outlook Monitor


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