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A group of men in a pub, one holding up a smartphone displaying an app

Photo: Banned Drinkers Register launch in Broome. Image: Shire of Broome

DLGSC launched the measures in July, which will tackle alcohol-related harm in the region.

The shire contributed $55,000 towards the Banned Drinkers Register (BDR) and Takeaway Alcohol Management System (TAMS) initiatives, with a further $135,000 coming from the Kimberley Regional Group.  

BDR technology allows businesses to scan customers' identification, giving liquor outlets a real-time tool to identify anyone who cannot legally be sold alcohol.

This will be combined with TAMS technology, which ensures customers do not exceed the volume of alcohol that can be purchased in a day.

The first trial of the BDR began in the Pilbara in December 2020, for a two-year period.  

DLGSC is now exploring increased pathways for placement on the BDR, beyond the current process.

Read the full story from the Shire of Broome


Page reviewed 27 February 2023