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LG Alert

Currently, if a local government is required under Part 5 Division 2 subdivision 4 of the Act to conduct an Electors' meeting, the local government must do so at the time, date, and location provided within the public notice.

If a local government has concerns about the health and safety of their staff and electors, local governments may consider developing a risk management plan or a general COVID Safety Plan consistent with COVID-19 Safety Guidelines and latest health advice on

For clarity, the department is of the view that currently, the only meetings that can be held electronically are:

  • an ordinary meeting of council
  • a special meeting of council
  • a meeting of a committee of a council
  • a meeting of an audit committee of a local government.

It is critically important that every local government provides the greatest possible degree of public access and participation for every meeting, including for all meetings held by electronic means, to provide transparency and accountability for all ratepayers and members of the community.

Enquiries can be made by emailing the department at


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Page reviewed 27 February 2023