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LG Alert

These are important public records detailing the decisions made by a local government and should be published at the same time as they are made available to council.

As well as being a requirement under the Act, publishing minutes on a prominent area on a council’s website enables transparent and accountable decision-making, promotes good customer service and provides a record of previous decisions.

A local government must publish on their website:

  • unconfirmed minutes of any council meeting or committee meeting
  • the part of unconfirmed minutes that record decisions in the case of council or committee meetings being closed to the public
  • confirmed minutes of council and committee meetings.

Unconfirmed minutes must be published within:

  • 14 days after a council meeting
  • 7 days after a committee meeting.

Unconfirmed minutes of council and committee meetings must be confirmed at the next ordinary meeting of council or the committee, where relevant.

A Guide to the Preparation of Agendas and Minutes

Contact the team at DLGSC if you have any questions about this topic 1300 762 511 or


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Page reviewed 27 February 2023