The funding program partners schools and creative professionals to embed creativity into learning through arts processes and experiences.
The 2 program categories, Collaboration and Residency, support access, participation and overall engagement for students from kindergarten to Year 12.
A total of $427,623 was awarded to 8 applicants in the collaboration category, which offers grants of up to $60,000 to support activity undertaken in schools with artists and arts organisations. The successful applicants were:
- Bassendean Primary School — The Bilya Project 2023: Sensory narrative about the Swan River (Bassendean Primary School and Governor Stirling Senior High School) — $60,000
- Christian Aboriginal Parent-directed School in Coolgardie — Karilypa — mulya: A Mini Musical about the journey of language — $56,550
- City of Melville — Write Club at Caralee Community School (Willagee) — $44,159
- Norseman District High School — Yalingya: Our Lives, Our Story, Our World — school collaboration — $56,884
- Sharing Stories Foundation Limited — Texas Downs Joonba and Cultural Media Mentoring at Purnululu School (East Kimberley) — $59,927
- Studio Schools of Australia Ltd Kimberley — Finding Our Voice Together (Yiramalay Studio School) — $59,203
- Warlayirti Artists Aboriginal Corporation Inc in Halls Creek — Ninti Kutjarra (Two-Way Knowledge) — $59,600
- West Australian Youth Jazz Orchestra Association — Eastern Corridor Schools Pathway Program (Armadale Senior High School and Challis Primary School) — $31,300.
The Residency category offered grants of up to $20,000 to support projects involving artists-in-residence in schools, with the activity covering about 25 days of engagement per school. The 3 successful applicants awarded a total of $57,503 were:
The second round of Creativity for Schools is currently open, closing on 1 June, with Round 3 due to open on 22 August 2023.