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LG Alert

When: 5 October 2023, 1:30 to 2:30pm AWST.

Where: Online via Teams.

Placemaking is a collaborative process that encourages local governments and external stakeholders — including residents, businesses, community groups and government agencies — to work together to make spaces more comfortable, accessible, active, and attractive.

Most importantly, because of the collaborative nature of placemaking, it helps the community to feel more connected to public spaces.

This results in improved safety, improved physical and mental health and more foot traffic in shared areas.

It also helps foster a sense of ownership and responsibility for the community.

This course is best suited for leaders, decision-makers and those working directly with local governments or stakeholders on programs that make our communities vibrant, inclusive, and connected.

Keen to find out more about what placemaking is and why you should be involved?

Learn more about placemaking on the Placemaking Education website.

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Page reviewed 27 February 2023