Aboriginal Cultural Centre Steering Committee (Phase 2) communique 2

Meeting September 2023
13 October 2023
A montage of the Aboriginal Cultural Centre (ACC) Steering Committee

Top left to right: Ms Cheryl Martin; Mr Barry Winmar; Ms Lorraine Coppin; Mr Peter Jeffries; Ms Carol Martin OAM; Mr John McGuire; Ms Taliah Payne; and Mr Anthony (Tony) Lee.

The Aboriginal Cultural Centre (ACC) Steering Committee for Phase 2 held its second meeting on Wednesday 13 September 2023.

The meeting focussed on the continued establishment, governance and foundational processes for the committee and provided members the opportunity for a detailed project briefing and overview of the draft business case.

Outcomes of the meeting of the ACC Steering Committee include:

Revised Terms of Reference and Charter for the ACC Steering Committee

The Terms of Reference and Charter for the ACC Steering Committee have been amended to include updates to the governance diagram and the inclusion of information on the future Access and Mobility Working Group. The updated documents were endorsed by the ACC Steering Committee.

Revised Terms of Reference for Project Control Group Sub-Committee

Amendments have been made to the Project Control Group (PCG) Sub-Committee's Terms of Reference, providing better clarity of its role and reporting relationship to the Steering Committee.

Members agreed that any working groups established will report to the PCG Sub-Committee and recommendations will subsequently be made to the ACC Steering Committee.

The Term of Office of PCG Sub-Committee members was confirmed to align with that of the ACC Steering Committee.

The revised PCG Sub-Committee Terms of Reference were endorsed by the ACC Steering Committee.

Establishment of the Access and Mobility Working Group

An Access and Mobility Working Group has been established to support the transport, access and carparking planning issues for the ACC site and broader precinct. The working group will comprise of relevant government agencies and stakeholders that have a role in the project planning.

The terms of reference and confirmed membership will be provided to the steering committee for endorsement at a future meeting.

Whadjuk Cultural Authority Statement

The Whadjuk Cultural Authority Statement was developed through engagement with the Whadjuk people and Whadjuk Cultural Authority members involved in the early planning and development of the project.

The statement has been endorsed by the Whadjuk Cultural Authority and presents their position on the Aboriginal Cultural Centre project and the communities’ aspirations for truth telling, justice, healing and reconciliation.

The steering committee members acknowledged the Whadjuk Cultural Authority’s support for the statement and has endorsed its use in the business case.

Business case overview

A sectional overview of the draft ACC business case was presented to the Steering Committee for noting.

Discussions centred on:

  • Consideration of further development of a social impact framework and analysis to provide baseline data for the measuring of benefits relating to the project.
  • Investment in Aboriginal business capability to ensure economic opportunities are delivered as part of the construction phase.
  • Investment in regional infrastructure and programs to support the arts and culture sector.
  • Future growth and expansion of the Aboriginal Cultural Centre to ensure its long-term viability.

The next Aboriginal Cultural Centre Steering Committee meeting will be held on 18 October 2023.


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