In the first round of the Sport and Recreation Events Funding Program (which closed on Monday, 16 October 2023), applications relating to 20 events were supported.
The successful projects and events involve a wide range of sports and recreation activities - including football, basketball, netball, golf, softball, hockey, squash, running, swimming, hiking, cycling, kiteboarding, yachting, judo, and dragon boat racing.
The objectives of the program are to:
- build capacity and capability of the sport and recreation workforce and volunteers to plan, secure and/or deliver quality sport and active recreation events
- provide opportunities for talented WA athletes, coaches and officials to participate at a national and/or international level in their home environment
- provide opportunities for the public to participate in sport and/or active recreation events
- provide opportunities for regional Western Australians to experience and conduct major sporting events and sport development initiatives in a regional location.
The program comprises three categories:
- event projects (up to $15,000)
- event hosting (up to $50,000)
- the Country Sport Enrichment Scheme (up to $30,000).
Applications for the next round of the Sport and Recreation Events Funding Program, will open on Monday, 29 January and close on Monday, 26 February 2024. More information is available on the Sport and Recreation Events Funding Program.
Successful applicants for round one of the Sport and Recreation Events Funding Program 2023-24
Albany Basketball Association — NBL1 West, Albany round — $30,000
Hosting of a regional fixture of the NBL1 West competition during the 2024 season. The weekend will highlight the basketball talent in Western Australia, and showcase the pathway for young athletes within the Association. The weekend will also host skills building for coaches and referees, along with providing game opportunities for our youth and all abilities players.
Busselton Allsports Inc — Busselton Jetty Swim 2024 — $20,000
The Busselton Jetty Swim is a premier event on the WA sporting calendar — which features a 3.6km ocean swim around the iconic Busselton Jetty, plus team swims, the One Mile Swim, the 500m Swim, and the Kids Swim. People of all abilities and experience are encouraged to participate, with the event priding itself on being affordable, inclusive, welcoming, and community focused.
Dragon Boating WA Inc — AusChamps 2024 — $36,000
The Australian National Dragon Boat Championships, known as 'AusChamps', is the annual high-performance competition for State and club teams. It is the premier dragon boat paddling event in Australia, and provides a pathway to international competition - both at national team level and at club level.
Football West Ltd — 2024 Goldfields Regional Festival of Football — $24,200
The 2024 Goldfields Regional Festival of Football is a seven-day community engagement event that aims to enhance the capacity and capability of football (soccer) in the wider Goldfields area. There will be numerous activities aimed at all ages, with a significant focus on community engagement and development opportunities, to inspire more people to participate in "The World Game'. Football West's goal for this program is to promote a sustainable football legacy for the Goldfield's region, boosting participation.
Golf Australia Ltd — Australian Junior Amateur & Australian Junior Interstate Teams Matches — $28,890
National individual and team championship for junior golfers (under 18 years).
HikeWest Inc — Collie HikeFest — $14,993
Conducting of a feasibility study, and research and development of a business case by HikeWest, to assess the viability of holding an inaugural HikeFest or hiking festival in Collie. The aim of the event would be to increase hiking participation through guided walks, and put Collie "on the map" as a Trail Town with high-quality hiking opportunities.
Judo Western Australia Inc — 2024 Mandurah International Open — $27,500
The 2024 Mandurah International Open is a pinnacle judo event staged from 3 to 6 May 2024. This multifaceted occasion combines the adrenaline of intense judo competition with an immersive training camp, led by a distinguished international judo competitor.
Kiteboarding Australia Ltd — Kiteboarding Australia National Series — $50,000
The Kiteboarding Australia National Series takes place over a 3-week period consisting of two marquee events: the Wing Championships and the Wave Nationals. The project aims to upskill volunteers and build capacity of the sport and its organisation.
Kiteboarding Western Australia Inc — Augusta Big Air Nationals 2024 — $27,400
The inaugural Big Air Augusta National event is where the best kiteboarders from around Australia will compete for the national title. It is the first Big Air National event of Australia, as the discipline grows massively worldwide, and will continue as an annual competition to announce the Australian champion in different categories: Under 18; Women; Open; and Masters (over 40). The high-level event will deliver sport development opportunities in regional WA.
Netball WA Inc — West Coast Fever Pre-season Exhibition Matches — $27,272
This project would see West Coast Fever and another high-profile team travel to Port Hedland to play two matches, which will play a key part of preparations for the 2024 Suncorp Super Netball Season. In addition to the two exhibition matches, West Coast Fever will engage with the local Port Hedland community by running netball clinics, and conducting a dress blessing ceremony.
Pilbara Trailblazers Inc — Red Dirt Backyard Ultra — $10,035
The Red Dirt Backyard Ultra is a running event held in Karratha. Participants complete a 6.71km loop course on the hour, every hour for an unlimited amount of time, until there is only one participant left, known as the Last One Standing. In 2024 it will an official backyard event, affiliated with the international backyard ultra race series.
Royal Freshwater Bay Yacht Club — 2024 Bill Steele Pre-World Regatta and Etchells World Championships — $45,000
The 2024 Bill Steele Pre-World Regatta and 2024 Etchells World Championship Regatta is expected to attract an estimated 45-50 boat fleet from Canada, Britain, USA, Hong Kong, and Australia.
Shire of Collie — Collie River Mountain Bike Marathon — $30,000
Collie River Mountain Bike Marathon is a mass participation off-road cycling event with various distances for different levels of fitness - from beginner/intermediate to expert. The start/finish/event village is based in the heart of the Collie CBD, to encourage local visitation/spending. The course utilises many of the new dedicated 'Wambenger' mountain bike trails which the State Government has invested in around the Collie townsite. The race attracts a competitive elite field, and helps with junior/development pathways to national/international racing.
Softball Western Australia Inc — 2024 Under 18 Girls and Boys Australian Softball Championships — $40,000
Hosting of the Australian National Softball Championships. All Australian States and Territories are invited to attend.
Squash WA — 2024 Australian National Championships — $50,000
Squash WA has been awarded the rights to host the 2024 Australian National Championships, catering for men's and women's divisions from Open through to D Grade. The event will deliver significant benefits to the sport in Western Australia.
Swimming Mermaids — Margaret River Ocean Swim — $38,875
The Margaret River Ocean Swim is a mass participation event that will encourage and promote people of all abilities to swim in the ocean at Gnarabup. This event has been conducted since 2003, and has grown significantly over past few years. As a result, volunteers and resources to conduct the event require upskilling.
Swimming WA Inc — Swanbourne Community Team Relay — $11,000
A new mass participation Open Water team-based swimming relay event, featuring the opportunity to swim as duo's (2km) or teams of four (4km), as well as a shorter team event (1km). The emphasis of the large community event will be on fun competition, bringing together a mix of friends, family, clubs, and workplace colleagues to compete as teams, introducing more people to open water competition.
The Western Australian Hockey Association Inc — Goldfields Festival of Hockey, Hockey WA Premier League — $30,000
Hockey WA Premier League (Men's and Women's) matches, the State's premier hockey competition played in Kalgoorlie, and featuring a series of community activities and programs.
Triathlon Western Australia Inc — Busselton Festival of Triathlon — $50,000
The Busselton Festival of Triathlon is an annual sporting event hosted on the Busselton Foreshore. In 2024, the family friendly event will consist of the Busselton 100 (2km/80km/18km), Foreshore Triathlon (2 distances), and Kids triathlon (2 distances). Teams and para-athletes are also able to compete. A Health and Wellbeing Expo is a major component of the event. There will be an enhanced finish zone, and twilight event designed to encourage the community to interact with the event over the weekend.
Western Australian Basketball Federation Inc — 2024 Wheelchair Leagues Cup — $44,550
Delivery of a tournament involving men's and women's Wheelchair Basketball teams from around Australia, to meet in Western Australia to play a round robin and finals. This competition is intended to further promote the sport of Wheelchair Basketball in WA, whilst also providing our WA athletes with the opportunity to compete at the highest national level.