Liquor Control (Section 31) Notice 2023

Issued under the Liquor Control Act 1988 sections 31 (4) and (7) and 60 by the Director of Liquor Licensing.
16 February 2024

Extended trading for public holidays

Issued under the Liquor Control Act 1988 sections 31(4) and (7) and 60 by the Director of Liquor Licensing.

  1. Citation
    This notice is the Liquor Control (Section 31) Notice 2023.
  2. Commencement
    This notice comes into operation as follows:
    1. clauses 1 and 2 — on the day on which this notice is published in the Gazette;
    2. the rest of the order — on the day after that day.
  3. Extended trading permit varying authorisation conferred by hotel licence or liquor store licence: premises within metropolitan area
    1. This clause applies to a licence that relates to premises situated in the metropolitan area if the licence is either:
      1. a hotel licence that is not a hotel restricted licence or tavern restricted licence; or
      2. a liquor store licence.
    2. An extended trading permit is issued under section 60 of the Act in respect of the licence for the purposes referred to in subsection (4)(g) of that section.
    3. The extended trading permit varies the authorisation conferred by the licence so as to authorise the licensee to sell packaged liquor on and from the licensed premises from 8am to 10am on 15, 22 and 29 December 2024.
    4. The extended trading permit remains in force until the end of 29 December 2024.
  4. Extended trading permit varying authorisation conferred by liquor store licence: premises outside metropolitan area
    1. This clause applies to a liquor store licence that relates to premises situated outside the metropolitan area unless it is a licence listed in Schedule 1.
    2. An extended trading permit is issued under section 60 of the Act in respect of the licence for the purposes referred to in subsection (4)(g) of that section.
    3. The extended trading permit varies the authorisation conferred by the licence so as to authorise the licensee to sell packaged liquor on and from the licensed premises from 10am to 10pm on the following days:
      1. 3 and 31 March 2024
      2. 2 June 2024
      3. 22 September 2024
      4. 15, 22 and 29 December 2024.
    4. The extended trading permit remains in force until the end of 29 December 2024. 
  5. Extended trading permit varying authorisation conferred by hotel licence, hotel restricted licence, tavern licence, tavern restricted licence or small bar licence: premises within and outside metropolitan area

1. This clause applies to a licence that relates to premises situated in the metropolitan area or outside the metropolitan area if the licence is either —
a. a hotel licence
b. a hotel restricted licence
c. a tavern licence
d. a tavern restricted licence or
e. a small bar licence.
2. An extended trading permit is issued under section 60 of the Act in respect of the licence for the purposes referred to in subsection (4)(g) of that section.
3. The extended trading permit varies the authorisation conferred by the licence so as to authorise the licensee to sell liquor for consumption ancillary to a meal on the licensed premises from 6 am to 10 am on the following days —
a. 12 May 2024
b. 1 September 2024
4.The extended trading permit remains in force until the end of 1 September 2024.


Schedule 1 — Liquor store licences excluded from clause 4

LocationLicence number
Halls Creek6030016329
Kambalda West6030044800
Mount Magnet6030013102
Port Hedland6030016303
Port Hedland6030016402
Port Hedland6030042614
South Hedland6030009449
South Hedland6030047779
Tom Price6030019828

Director of Liquor Licensing. 


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