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Media release

8 people in hi-vis vests pose for a photo while 3 of the group  turn the first sod for the development of the Youth Entertainment  Space

Photo: Left to right, City of Gosnells Councillors Kylie Dalton, Aaron Adams, Saiful Islam, David Goode, Deputy Mayor Adam Hort, Southern River MLA Terry Healy, and Councillors Serena Williamson and Diane Lloyd.

The revamped area will be a vital recreational amenity for the local youth in Perth’s south-eastern suburbs, who were consulted widely during the design phase of the project.

When complete, the project will include:

  • split level skating plaza with rails and banks
  • shallow skate bowl perfect for all skill levels
  • sealed pump track for BMX and mountain bikes or scooters
  • urban play area incorporating a social hangout zone with social swings and platformed seating
  • a rebound wall and multi-purpose area to play games such as futsal and basketball.

In a first for metropolitan Perth, the entire plaza space will be covered by a shelter and will feature LED lighting and a projector screen. Colours of yellow, orange and purple will make the space a bright, inviting, and inclusive attraction.

The ground-breaking project, made possible by a $2 million investment from the State Government and $4.5 million from the City of Gosnells, is expected to be completed by January 2025.

City of Gosnells councillors at the site of the new Youth Entertainment Space in Huntingdale

Photo: Left to right, City of Gosnells Councillors Kylie Dalton, Saiful Islam, Aaron Adams, Deputy Mayor Adam Hort, Crs David Goode and Serena Williamson, Southern River MLA Terry Healy and Cr Diane Lloyd. 

More information about the YES Sunderlands Park

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Page reviewed 27 February 2023