$600,000 to boost creativity and wellbeing for young people

A new program to improve creativity and wellbeing for young people across Western Australia will be trialled after the State Government approved $600,000 in funding for 8 organisations to deliver culture and the arts projects with health benefits.
24 June 2024

Media release

A man and a boy posing a dance move in a desert environment. A group of people are watching in the background.

Photo: Now Sounds Port Hedland participant with Mubanga Culture. Photo credit: Amelia Blanco.

The Creativity and Wellbeing for Young People Pilot Program is a partnership between the Department of Local Government, Sport and Cultural Industries (DLGSC) and Healthway, with each agency contributing $300,000 for the one-year trial. The pilot program aims to:

  • provide opportunities for participation and engagement in arts and creative activities for young people in Western Australia
  • organically build health outcomes for young people participating in arts and creative activities
  • increase the long-term sustainability of employment opportunities for artists delivering and creating work with young people
  • increase accessibility and engagement of creative experiences for young people with a particular focus on those that identify as: Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander, Culturally and Linguistically Diverse (CaLD), LGBTQIA+, or are impacted by a level of socio-economic disadvantage.

8 organisations with a demonstrated commitment to, and strong track record in, working with young people will each receive up to $75,000 to deliver a project over 12 to 18 months.

  • Community Arts Network — $75,000 for Strange Times (filmmaking) in Midland
  • Black Swan State Theatre Company — $75,000 funding for Creative Ground Holiday Workshop Program in the Great Southern, Pilbara and Mid West
  • Breaksea — $75,000 funding for youth choirs in Great Southern and East Kimberley
  • Centre for Stories — $74,619 for The Spark (writing) in outer Perth
  • Boss Arts Creative — $75,000 for Aboriginal Arts and Culture Program in Narrogin
  • City of Melville — $75,000 for ART CLUB in Willagee
  • Ravensthorpe Arts Council — $75,000 for ARTitude Adventures: Creative Play for Social Wellness in the Goldfields and Esperance region
  • Ellenbrook Arts — $75,000 for Arts Creativity and Wellbeing for Young People.

Creativity and Wellbeing for Young People

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