The Aboriginal Cultural Centre project Steering Committee (Phase 2) held its ninth meeting on 23 October 2024.
Steering Committee members were provided a briefing paper on the procurement of a consultant team to develop concept and schematic plans including risks associated with timing of the procurement process. Currently there are no plans to release the tender prior to the State Government caretaker period which begins in early January 2025.
Steering Committee members were provided with information about the following matters:
- the development of an action plan to address recommendations in the Gateway Review
- a formal project proposal being developed for committed funding from the Australian Government
- a request to update milestones in the Perth City Deal funding agreement being progressed due to the delay in completing the Aboriginal Cultural Centre project definition plan
- consultation continuing around the state for membership of the Aboriginal Cultural Advisory Group with four out of six regions having confirmed members
- the current status of engagement with Pilbara and Goldfields Registered Native Title Bodies Corporate (RNTBC) to provide information on the project and the future mix of funding streams.